Thursday, July 31, 2014

Melbourne, Australia

Marg & Geoff (Bob's Sister & hubby)

Southern Cross Railway Station

Renting bikes by the hour in the CBD

Chinatown for lunch

Signs you just do not see in the USA

I wonder what is wrong with it?

Trams lined up down Swanson St

Wonderful shopping arcades in the CBD

Lots of specialty shops - this one those Russian doll things

So many places to eat

So much more than "big macks"

Where we put our heads - Deidre's sister's house

Lots of public transportation leads to lots of confusing intersections

Here comes the train

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Back at the boat

Wednesday, July 9

Back on the boat by 6 PM, and all was well. We popped in to see Mason and he seemed to remember us.

I currently consider our life as a series of projects, namely:

Project One:      Ky and Ryan's new house
Project Two:      Fix up and sell Piping Rock
Project Three:    Fix up and lease Yacht Harbor
Project Four:      Fix up and clean Tide Hiker.

The closing for Ky and Ryan's new house is scheduled for Monday July 14. As soon as they are out (No pressure, Ky) we can start getting contractors in and fix the place up. The "problem" is that we leave for Australia on Monday 21st. Life without deadlines would be pretty boring.

Monday July 14

The purchase of Kylie and Ryan's house happened this morning. Kylie took the day off, we all worked at the house packing & cleaning. David left for a month in Russia today.

Tuesday, July 15

Moving day. The kids worked like slaves. Deidre and I worked like oldies. Gene and Nelma pitched in too. Big day, very tired.

Thursday, July 17

I think I will go back into the workforce and get a full time job, so I can get some rest! This morning we were over to the house reasonably early and worked till 5 PM - early because we have people coming to dinner!

Sunday, July 20

We leave for Australia in the morning, I lost my wallet sometime yesterday.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Indiana - July 7 & 8

This morning we picked up a rental and headed into town to Adam's office for a tour. They have moved to space in "Playhouse Square" a quite "posh" location downtown. His office overlooks Euclid Avenue and the big new "street chandelier". Very impressed.

After the office tour we headed west with a 6 hour drive ahead of us. It was pleasant driving thru the farmland - the corn seemed ahead of schedule - "knee high by the 4th of July". We were at our hotel by 5 PM and met Mary and Don (the partners in Euclid partners, LLC) for a casual dinner.

Don picked me up and took me to the plant, and Deidre went shopping. Don and Mary are great partners and the progress at EP has been great. Deidre picked me up at about 2PM and we headed back east, but diverted to Valparaiso just for fun. Spent the night at a hotel near the Cleveland airport and flew "home" net morning.

Popped in on Deidre's favorite house

Cleveland & Camping (July 3 to July 7)

Wednesday July 2, 2014

We arrived late on Wednesday and Adam picked us up. Thursday morning we were all in convoy heading to the Allegheny National Park in Western PA. Adam and Kathy have a camper that they tow with Adam's truck. We followed in Kathy's jeep, with the two kids. It was about a 4 hour drive.

The camp site was very nice with lots of trees and plenty of space. Half an hour after we arrived the sky opened and we got very wet, but the weather improved from then on. Another family joined us - with kids the same age/sex as Ruby & Indy. It was good fun. I might have eaten too much. We stayed 3 nights and drove back to Cleveland Heights on Sunday.
The campsite

Kathy & Ruby

Rest of the campers