Friday, September 12, 2014

Thinking about getting ready to leave....

Friday September 12, 2014

We have been back from Australia exactly 4 weeks. The "worst" seems to be over. The house at 21YH is 99% ready to rent and is now being advertised. There are a bunch of "projects" needing attention on Tide Hiker, but we seem to have found a capable helper and so far he seems great and we are making progress. (His name is John Davy.) We have paid for the slip thru September 30 and are determined to get moving on or before that date, weather permitting. I have actually been looking at charts!

The biggest issue on TH is that the depth finder has stopped working. No clue why, it happened while we were in Australia. Charleston is a boating town, but it is hard to find technical help. I spent a good hour on the phone with Furuno today without success. We literally cannot move without a depth finder, so that must be resolved.

One of the other "big issues" is that the solar panel system keeps blowing fuses.  Today I ordered a new marine toilet for the second bathroom. Yesterday we removed the aft deck canvas cover, cleaned it and took it to a canvas place to be repaired (It was damaged in Marsh Harbor.) The anchor light is now working. We are making progress......

Saturday September 13, 2014

Popped over to see Kylie and the kid this morning. Back at the house I swapped out the old hinges of the front and back doors and re-installed the cabinet doors in the bar area (They came back from the painters yesterday.) Deidre cut the lawn and I attempted another re-seed. Very hot and humid day. Got all dressed up (clean shorts!) and went to see the Charleston version of the "Boston Pops" orchestra. We had great seats and Deidre thoroughly enjoyed the show.

Not much action on either house as yet.

Sunday September 14, 2014

Launched the dinghy this morning so I could change the oil and generally check it out, and so Deidre and I could take it for a ride. Since we are tied up "Starboard to" we had to move Tide Hiker away from the dock to make room. All went well except that the motor would not start. After many tries we took the motor off and loaded it into the trunk of the rental. All very hot and sweaty. I think I have put my back "out".

Monday September 15, 2014

Took the outboard to Gene. He needed a fuel line so I dismantled the one on the dinghy, only to discover that the whole filter assembly had rusted out and was leaking gasoline. Worked at 21 YH for a few hours, mostly in the yard. John arrived about 5 PM and worked on replacing the emergency hand operated bilge pump with a big electric bilge pump midships.

Tuesday September 16, 2014

Huge rainstorms today resulting in local flooding. The dinghy just about sank from rainwater. I did a couple of "last jobs" at the house. We picked up the aft deck canvas from the repair place. John finished installing the new big bilge pump, the generator oil pump and tightened the Bimini top lacing. Its still raining.

Wednesday September 17, 2014
We attempted to install the aft canvas - it's on, but not 100%. The new "head" arrived. Still doing odd jobs at 21 - installed a new Venetian blind, repaired the shower water controls, installed the last cabinet door in the bar area. Dinner out with Swede Dream

Thursday September 18, 2014
John started on installing the new head. Gene brought the motor back and we put it back on the dinghy and I reassembled the fuel filter and fuel lines. Its starts and runs, but not 100%. Invited to dinner on Bellaire by Stan and Nancy - very pleasant evening.

Friday September 19, 2014
Kylie and Mason visited for a few hours this morning. He is a darling. I changed the oil and filters in both generators. John started on the varnish. The Furuno technician actually turned up and promised to be back on Monday.

Saturday September 20, 2014
Deidre and I managed to clean up the aft deck. Went to the "Scottish Games" for the day at Boone Hall (a local and very impressive historical plantation complex.) Fun day, but my back is really acting up. No varnish today, raining on and off.

Sunday September 21, 2014
Breakfast with the kids. Spent the afternoon in downtown wandering around the College of Charleston. John  put on 3 coats of varnish, one every 3 hours from 9 AM till dusk.

Monday September 22, 2014
The Furuno man actually turned up and worked for 4 hours on the system. The conclusion was that the transducer in the hull was bad. Then he and then we tried to get it out. No dice, so I called a diver who tapped it with a hammer under the hull, and out it came. Now we have to wait for parts.

I have taken back the solar panel problem with the vendor. Have made contact and exchanged a few emails but no diagnosis. Was a sunny day but a big cool change came thru at about dinner time.

Tuesday September 23, 2014
Pouring with rain this morning and cooler again. We spent a quiet day in the boat. Kylie, Ryan and Mason came for birthday dinner. (Curried chicken, Tony Peach recipe.) Slept with a blanket for the first time in many moons. Nice.

Wednesday September 24, 2014
The HVAC man came today. He got the stateroom system going again but seemed to think the problem would recur :(

John came about 3PM and found a "poor" connector in the Solar wiring, that showed signs of overheating, and that just might be the source of the thermal breaker issue. He will repair that tomorrow and we will restart the system. My lack of electrical knowledge is increasingly apparent.

Thursday September 25, 2014

Big day today. The Electronics guy turned up at about 11AM with all the new "pieces-parts". The new transducer slid easily into the thru-hull fitting and was connected - we immediately got a reading! :) I was a happy camper. I had ordered a "less expensive" back up depth finder system and he installed that and it worked, Phillip was off the boat by 3PM. We can now cruise.

John arrived at about 4 PM and first job was to replace the lug on the solar thermal breaker connection.

Friday September 26, 2014

Off to the beach

Look at the water!

Let's give that a try

What fun!

Saturday September 27, 2014

Enough sun today for John to apply one coat of varnish. A few hours or so later it was raining again. Went out to a movie and dinner with Mark & Donna.

Sunday September 28, 2014
Still raining on and off. Scrubbed the lower decks and lazarette this morning. It is hard to keep them clean. Spent the afternoon at "The Creek" with the Taylor family - very nice. Took a few photos.

Monday September 29, 2014

Dinner on "Swede Dreams" with hosts Charlotte and Magnus. Charlotte is happy as she won at cards.

Tuesday September 30, 2014

After 24 days of rain, the sun is shining! The insurance company has given us permission to enter Florida after October 15 ( a month earlier) so we are heading SOUTH. We met Kylie and Mason for breakfast, returned the rental and spent the rest of the day attending to last minute jobs and loose ends. Tide Hiker seems to be in great shape - here is the Project List:

1.   Oil change pump issue
2.       Depth gauge – Furuno
3.       New depth gauge
4.       Anchor Light
5.       Electro-scan blockage
6.       Tank tender issue (Maybe still an issue)
7.       Bilge pump float switch (On hand)
8.       Re-bed crane post
9.       Install hi capacity bilge pump
10.   Install 12V outlet in v berth
11.   Canvas: Back flap, fly bridge
12.   Canvas: Dinghy cover
13.   Canvas: Tear on aft deck overhead shade cover
14.   Dinghy winch lube
15.   ER: Big gen oil change
16.   ER: Clean up
17.   ER: Main Engine oil change
18.   Fly Bridge  roof lacing  (needs tightening)
19.   Fly bridge roof leaks
20.   Toilet – new (ordered)
21.   Outside: Varnish rails
22.   Outside: Wash, wax and polish (Brent Wood 843 991 1495)
23.   Replace mifi wires
24.   Solar panel breaker issue
25.   New water maker pump
26.   Outboard – flush
27.   Outboard – change oil
28.   12V outlet in vee berth