Monday, April 25, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Three Week Visit

Monday April 11, 2016

The air suspension failed on the Merc on Friday. So Friday night I reserved a car and Monday morning I walked the three miles to Enterprise and picked it up. So much for Plan A - buy a cheap car and avoid rentals!

We were on the road by 9:30 AM and arrived in plenty of time for the 4 PM appointment. A "Physicians Assistant" removed the cast and dressings and shortly thereafter the surgeon turned up and gave Deidre's ankle the once over, He pronounced it "good", answered a few questions and was gone. Time for the stitches to come out.

We grabbed some dinner and were pointed SE by about 6 PM. The weather was fine and the traffic light so I convinced Deidre we should forget the hotel plan and head for home.  We were home by about 11:15 PM. It was a 650 mile day.

Tuesday April 12, 2016

Off to the shop - again!