Monday, November 6, 2017

Hurricane Preparation File for Kurt

Hurricane Preparations

1.       Supplies
a.       Couple large rolls of Duct/Gorilla tape
b.      Zip ties – 100 each of 8” and 12”
c.       Hardware for attaching fenders to the dock

2.       Securing the boat to the dock – floating & fixed
a.       Secure a set of fenders to the dock sides.
b.      Long lines – avoid short lines – at least 20’ (?)
c.       If possible use lines to hold her away from the dock
d.      Chaff gear
e.      Spreading the load
f.        Zip tie the line ends
g.       Position Tide Hiker 3’ away from the dock

3.       Clearing the boat
a.       Canvas
b.      Chairs, boat hooks, table
c.       Seat covers & cushions
d.      Deck boxes
e.      Remove the Fly Bridge monitor
f.        Windshield cover
g.       Boat hooks
h.      Anythink that can move!

4.       Securing boat contents
a.       Power cord - remove
b.      Water supply hose - remove
c.       Anchors and chain - secure
d.      Snubber - secure
e.      Aerials – lay down and zip tie in place
f.        Fly Bridge seat base boards – tape down
g.       The freezer – tie and tape down
h.      Dinghy – remove the canvas
i.         Dinghy crane – tie down and zip
j.        Portuguese Bridge door – close and zip latch
k.       Portuguese storage hatches - close and zip latch
l.         Chimney hatch – tape closed
m.    Windshield wipers – tape down
n.      The refrigerator – snap closed.

5.       Waterproofing the boat
a.       Lock down all portholes
b.      Lock down the Vee berth hatch
c.       Tape the 3 sliding doors
d.      Tape the Fly Bridge hatch
e.      Tape the windows
f.        Tape the fuel vents
g.       Tape and Zip tie the cabinet doors and drawer on the Fly Bridge
h.      Fly bridge instrument panels – upper and lower
                                                               i.      Tape down plastic covers
                                                             ii.      Tape down canvas covers
                                                            iii.      Waterproof the Auto Pilot control with zip lock bags and tape
                                                           iv.      Tape over openings in upper panel.
i.         Tape the monitor cable hole
j.        Tape the anchor rode openings
k.       Screw closed the electrical ports port & starboard

6.       Electrical
a.       Shut down shore power and remove and store the cable
b.      If you can visit the boat every 24 hours , leave invertor operating and refrig running
c.       Shut down all unnecessary 12V and 110V applications.
d.      The solar panels will supplement the batteries

7.       Specials

a.       Generator Exhaust pipes – close with a “tennis ball”

All the lines ashore were chaff protected

Because she had to be free to float up on the surge, and because the neighbor boat could break loose, Tide Hiker was relatively "loose" and so was our neighbor boat. So spare fenders on the port side in case the boats collided in the slip. 

All the canvas was removed

Our lines were as long as possible and doubled up

No canvas

Hatch door taped shut

Control panel canvas was clipped and taped 

Upper control panel was taped closed

Fly Bridge Cabinet taped and zip tied

Auto Pilot control waterproofed with zip bags and tape

Wheel was secured with bungees

Cushions removed and storage area lids taped down

Dinghy hold downs cranked tight

Hinged Dinghy seat tied down

Dinghy motor secured so it could not flip side to side

Crane controls in upside down waterproof bag and taped to crane

BBQ Canvas taped down

VHF aerials inverted and zip tied

Radar secured

Deck gear lashed down

Wipers taped, windshield cover removed

For a while we were in the bullseye

Permanent fenders added to the dock piles

Forward deck all clear or lashed

Tide Hiker positioned about 6' from the dock so that she could not float over the dock at the peak of the surge

Freezer lashed down and taped shut

Crane hook zip tied to the rail

Four of the long lines

Canvas stacked on the Pilot House "bed"

Everything that was loose ended up below

"Sausage" fenders attached to the dock. Tide Hiker pulled away from the dock

Making use of the empty slip next to us

Mathew - anti chaff
