Thursday, September 13, 2018


Wednesday September 12, 2018

In general, our plan is to closely watch the forecast track for the hurricane and react accordingly. It's a big storm but if it hits 150 miles north of us and heads inland, then we are basically in the clear and will stay put. If it turns south and comes down the coast, then we have a problem.

If it looks like a "near miss" we will move to Kylie's house. Her place is a mile or so from the coast, is less exposed, and we could help Ky with the kids. The good thing is that we are on the south side of the storm, and that's the good side.

If the track turns south and the landfall gets too close then we have two choices:

* Move to the Taylor's. They are 20 miles from the coast and have plenty of space. But they are vulnerable to flooding

* Leave town. But we cannot go north or west or we will be in the storm for 100's of miles. So we have to go south or south west. One thought is that we have a standing invitation from Sue and Bruce in Birmingham. Its an 8 hour drive at posted speeds.We would take the two SUVs. Maybe drive Thursday night so the kids are asleep.

This morning the forecast track made an unfavorable move to the south, and that has increased the potential trouble for us. It looks like the storm center could turn south before it makes landfall, our worst scenario. So plan A (staying put) is off and we are heading to Kylie's.

We have been preparing the house for the last few days so we are basically ready to go. I have decided to leave my car parked under the house rather then exposed at Kylie's. The chances of a large surge on the IOP are still fairly low (maybe 2' to 4') because we are south of the center so her wheels might get wet but no worse. (Nevertheless, I had a a few 12" by 12" by 2" concrete blocks, so I drove the car up onto them!)

Thursday September 13, 2018

This morning the forecast track made a favorable change. big relief. The landfall is now projected to be back at Cape Fear (about 150 miles north) on Friday morning and slowly head inland  south west over land. That will take a lot of the steam out of the winds and turn the storm into a windy rain event. We would be looking at maybe 40 mph winds here and only  6' to 9" of rain.

Turns out that last hurricane season Ryan and Kylie purchased a small generator. It has never been used, needed to have the oil and gas added and started first pull. So we found an open gas station and stock piled 15 gallons of gas. Its about 4KW and will easily run the refrigerator and TV and a few lights.

In the mean time, the weather is warm and pleasant.

Friday September 14, 2018

The track forecast for Florence seems to have settled down. It made landfall in the Cape Fear area last night and started to turn south west. On this track it will miss Charleston by 50 to 100 miles, and we will experience heavy rainfall and windy conditions - maybe 20 to 35 MPH. Just no big deal.

Its now 10 PM and still no bloody storm. I am sick of waiting. I feel like I am 10 months pregnant and just want to get it over and done with. Good night!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

The big news this morning was Collingwood's good win.

Some wind and rain overnight but barely a puddle on the street this morning. The storm center seems to have stalled a few miles north of us. Forecast still calls for 3" of rain today, but I am ready to call it quits and go home.

We were home on the IOP by Noon. There is no wind to speak of and its raining lightly. The house was 100% as we left it. I am hoping they open the airport soon as on Monday I am flying west for our rafting trip down the Grand Canyon.

Looks like Charleston dodged the bullet this time, but the devastation 100 miles north is quite significant.