Thursday, August 1, 2019

Destin, Florida

Destin, Florida
June XX to August 3, 2019

Audrey, Connor, Mason, & Indy

The adult table

Our latest Sweetie

Our Ky

G& G and the gang

Dinner around the pool
In the pool

Like father, like son?


The gang

The boyz

Probably my favorite - Indy and Audrey

And with Connor

Connor, Fiona, Indy and Mason

The kids table
Mason holding back the flood

Kathy teaching Audrey to play Backgammon

Ruby in repose

Book before bed

All the kids seemed to like a story

Hmmmm..... "Good move"

A rare photo - the WHOLE FAMILY - although Mason did not want to be in it!

The four ladies

Our 5