Thursday, September 17, 2020


 Tuesday September 8, 2020

Today we ordered (and paid for!) all new cabinets for the Kitchen and Bar, plus a new refrigerator, stove top, built in oven, and overhead vent. We had to do it in two purchases because our credit card could not handle it in one go, and I did not want to miss out on all those points. We have been promised 4 to 6 weeks delivery. The cabinets in the kitchen will be white, and "natural" in the bar. 

(I have an image of the plan view but the system is fighting me (and winning) so that will have to wait,)

Monday September 14, 2020

I have about 4 weeks to get the kitchen area ready for the new cabinets. The new plans involve moving the refrigerator and the sink locations and cutting a 36" pass through that will make the sink area an "island". Creating the "pass through" involves removing about 18" of a wall and 18" of the existing counter top. 

Last week I cut some "peep holes" into the wall that I plan to remove, and discovered that all the existing plumbing, plus a bunch of the wiring, happens to be located in that piece of wall. That has caused lots of chin scratching.

Look at all those pipes and wires! Damn!

Tuesday September 15, 2020

In order to move the plumbing and electrical it will be necessary to get into the ceiling and the floor (thru the ceiling in the garage below!). So today we unpacked one of the overhead cabinets and removed it to give me access to the ceiling plus the back of the wall section that will be removed..

Access into the ceiling

Wednesday September 17, 2020

Today we drove up to Black Mountain in NC to have dinner with one of our long term friends that we had not seen for 6 months. We stayed the night in a hotel and drove back today thru the remnants of "Hurricane Sally". Back to work tomorrow. 

Monday September 21st, 2020

Since Hurricane Sally passed thru the south, the weather has taken a turn for the better. We have been enjoying temps in the low 80's and high 70's and cool nights, and have been able to turn off the AC and open the windows. The kitchen job is basically on hold now until we get a hard delivery date on the cabinets. 

My lawn is starting to recover from the "buuug attack", and I am seeing new green shoots appearing throughout. 

Friday September 25, 2020

Kylies 38th birthday was on Wednesday. Hard to believe, seems not so long ago she escorted me home to Australia for Mum's funeral. She brought Mike (aka "tall and bald") and the kids over on Friday for dinner. We ended the evening with an all out wresting match which ended successfully (meaning no one was crying.)   

Monday September 28, 2020

Met with the plumber and the electrician last week. The plumber agreed to do his part in exchange for my "old" motor bike, that I have not ridden for about 8 years. As we were deciding which part of the ceiling I had to tear down, he had noticed it sitting in the garage, slowly rusting. 

The cabinet installers were meant to call me last week to set up a planning meeting, but that did not happen. Our "cabinet lady" at Lowes in on vacation until Wednesday so I am sitting on my hands until then. 

We have bought tickets to fly to Houston for 5 nights over the second weekend in October. We are flying in/out of Jacksonville, FL because there are no nonstop flights to Houston from Charleston these days, but there is one from J'ville. We are a bit apprehensive, but we want to see the kids.

Tuesday October 6th, 2020

We finally received a delivery date for the cabinets on Friday - of Thursday October 15, 2020. So over the last two days I have (I hope) set up the following plan:

     Thursday October 15th: Cabinets arrive

     Friday October 16th: Installation crew inspect the new cabinets and remove the existing cabinets

     Saturday & Sunday 17th and 18th: ROB works on preparation

     Monday 19th: Plumber plumbs!

     Tuesday 20th: Electrician  wires!

     Wednesday 21st: Installation crew installs!

     Thursday 22nd: Countertop people measure & Drywall guy repairs damaged walls. ROB installs temporary countertop and temporary floor, installs stove top and oven and microwave, and finishes the new passageway, 

     Friday 23rd: New refrigerator delivered and installed.

 Today we selected two slabs of  "River White" granite for the countertops. This is one of them. 

We have also purchase three "pendant" lights that will hang over the new island counter. 


Tuesday October 13, 2020

Back from Houston family visit. All good.

Wednesday October 14, 2020

The cabinets arrive tomorrow so I need to get busy. We moved the refrig, removed the old sink,  dismantled the old bar top and removed the drywall surrounding the old kitchen. I also removed a cabinet to expose the new location of the microwave. Does not sound like much, but I sure made a mess. (I am trying to be tidy for Deidre.) 

Had a little bit of trouble when I shut off the water to "cut and plug" a couple of pipes and I ended up a bit damp, but otherwise OK. No flushing toilets tonight while we wait for the glue to cure! We went out for dinner. 

Exposing the island-bar wall

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Turned the water back on the AM and we had showers with warm water.

Cabinets arrive about 8:30 AM and filled the living room. 

I removed a couple of the old cabinets and the associated drywall to fully expose the plumbing and electrical work that has to be redirected. Does not sound like much, but I sure made a mess, again.

Opening the new pass thru

Friday October 16, 2020

The appliances arrived early. The guys were kind enough to move our old frig. and the drop in stove down to the garage. I had advertised the "as new" stove on Craig's List and had a buyer waiting. The new 'frig is now operating in the living room.  

The installation guys arrived a bit late after lunch. The unpacked the cabinet delivery and sadly found one damaged cabinet that will have to be replaced. Then they removed the remainder of our old cabinets and loaded them in their truck to be delivered to "Habitat for Humanity".

Once they had left Deidre and I started working on the damaged walls and painting over the old red wall paint (applied by a tenant in the past, probably Kylie and Ryan!)

Primer over the old red

Mess of cabinets in the living room

Saturday October 17, 2020

Much progress today. 

  • Finished painting with the primer. Tomorrow I expect we will be able to apply the final color
  • Repainted the crown molding (AKA "cornices")
  • Opened up the new walk thru space
  • Repaired parts of the hard wood floor
The young lady who purchased the stove turned up with her uncle's truck to pick it up. She was so excited, it was fun to see. 

I hate painting

Sunday October 18, 2020

Drove over to Lowes to buy grey paint. I had no idea there were so many "shades of grey." After much discussion we selected a shade and headed home to paint. We only needed to paint "where the cabinets were not located" so that did not take long. I think we are happy with the color.

Monday October 19, 2020

The plumbers arrived on time and were finished by lunch. I called Adam the electrician and he arrived by 1:00 PM and we worked steadily to about 6:00 PM. I worked as his helper to help his progress. I had obviously underestimated the time that the electrical work would take, because we were way from finished. Every run seemed to involved cutting more holes in the walls or ceiling. We made progress, but did not have much to show.

The Master and the Apprentice

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Adam was back at work before 10 AM and we worked steadily thru the day until about 6 PM. I was feeling a bit of pressure because the cabinet installers were due in the AM. All the electrical seemed to get done, but I had a lot of holes in the wall to resolve. 

Can you see Deidre?

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

I worked after dinner last night and after breakfast this AM and finished "rough" patching the remaining holes. Its now about 4 PM and the installers have made some good progress. We have a potential issue with the oven/hot top installation (There is no way it will fit per my tape measure) but time will tell.

There is one damaged cabinet that will need to be replaced, and that will take a couple of weeks. Plus there are a few bits and pieces that are missing.

Starting to take shape

Thursday October 22, 2020

The installers were back today. Their solution to the oven space problem was to cut the base out of the beautiful new cabinet and build a false floor a couple of inches lower. I was not happy to see this brand new $800 cabinet hacked into, but apparently this was a "typical" solution. Why GE and the cabinet people can't figure out a standard size?

The granite people came and measured today.

Friday October 23, 2020

Now that the cabinets were in place, I could finalize the precise location of the new walk thru and complete the framing and general woodwork. Done.

With the walk thru complete, the area of the "extra" kitchen floor is now apparent. Its only about 12 square feet, but installation of the new yellow oak tongue and groove boards will be a bit tricky because it is surrounded by the existing oak t & g floor. It will be hard to get a contractor to do such a small job, especially when the end result might be a bit in doubt. 

I had kept a bundle of the yellow oak boards that were left over from the reception/laundry project. Also, I could get at the floor from underneath and avoid the need to rent a special air staple gun that the contractors use. So I decided to do it myself.

Saturday and Sunday, 24 and 25, 2020

The next project was to cut down the "island wall" so that it was just high enough to block Deidre's view of any untidiness on the island bench, and to get it level. (Currently it was 7/8" out of horizontal, end to end.) I had promised the granite people that the height would be 5.250" plus/minus 1/16".

Monday October 26, 2020

Adam the electrician arrived about 3 PM. Although he seemed to want to avoid it, his main task today was to install 220V outlets for the oven and the hot top. Apparently he had a space problem. He fiddled around with a few other items but eventually he came up with a plan for the 220V. Once done, we were able to load the oven into the cabinet. All went well, although Adam cannot actually connect the oven until the granite is in place.

Tuesday October 27, 2020

Busy start today. I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that I had made the mistake of arranging for Curtis (the drywall guy) to start that morning. He would be repairing all the holes in the walls and ceilings, including the garage.

But I still had the last hardwood board to fit in the kitchen floor (which is the hardest one!) and I needed access from underneath. So I was up early and ran around like a crazy person until I had jammed the last board in place and secured it from underneath. It took a few hours, but fortunately Curtis was held up by traffic on the I-526. 

Not a bad job for a novice.

I also had to add new insulation in the kitchen floor/garage roof before Curtis could start in the garage. I had saved insulation from the reception/laundry expansion and now that is in place and out of the garage. All good

Adam the electrician arrived about 10 AM and he is busy hanging the new pendant lights over the island bench and installing outlets under the sink, over the microwave and elsewhere. All good. Maybe I can have some breakfast now.

Deidre headed of to the granite vendor this morning to supervise them laying out the patterns on the granite slabs. The granite will be delivered & installed on Thursday November 5, 2020. (So no kitchen sink for another 10 days!)

Problem: The glass in the new pendants does not match! Damn. 

Note the oven in place, temporary countertop, ceiling repairs underway.

Three reasons why Deidre should be happy:

1. The motor bike is gone from the garage - swapped for work with the plumber

2. The bundle of oak T&G stored behind the love seat in my office is (mostly) gone

3. The stack of insulation stored in the back corner of the garage is gone

Now, if I could just figure out what to do with my "spare" front door!

Thursday and Friday October 19 and 30, 2020

How time flies, its now Saturday evening, and there is not much to report. Thursday Deidre drove around town looking (unsuccessfully) for tiles (for the back splash)  and I worked at my desk. That afternoon we picked up the grandkids and had them till about 9 PM.

On Friday, based upon a suggestion from our tiling contractor,  we "found" a new large tile warehouse and we are now confident that once we "see" the countertop in place we will be able to find the right tile. The countertops will be installed this coming Thursday, the Tiler arrives the following Tuesday. 

Saturday October 31, 2020

One of my political jobs is as the Editor of, (and major contributor to) the ISLE OF PALMS DEMOCRAT NEWSLETTER, that has been issued each Saturday for the last eight weeks. This morning I really wanted to paint, but had to work on the newsletter until it was released. Today was the last edition!

I was able to start painting in the kitchen about Noon, and work at least until 3 PM in order to clean up and pick up the kids at 4 PM. I had also planned to install the microwave and the dishwasher, but that is now penciled in for Sunday. At least the painting is basically complete.

Sunday November 1, 2020

Woke up "early" because we turned our clocks back last night. Crazy business. Out for breakfast.

Installed the microwave and the dishwasher today. The MW works, but the DW is waiting for the plumber. Did a little touch up painting. 

Looks OK?

Also looks OK. The cabinet installers will trim the bottom/front

Monday November 2, 2020

Don't remember. Maybe I tidied up my workshop?

Tuesday November 2, 2020

Something distracted me today so no work was done.

Wednesday November 3, 2020

I continued to be distracted for most of the day, although I did manage to demolish and remove the counter in the Jack & Jill bathroom upstairs. Our garbage can is going to be very heavy on Tuesday morning.

Kylie called after dinner and complained of a stomach ache.

Thursday, November 4, 2020

The counter tops were delivered and installed - exciting day! The 3 guys - 2 Brazilians and 1 Mexican - worked hard and efficiently all day and did a great job. They chatted away in Portuguese, Spanish and then English when I was involved. Quite amazing. We are delighted with the final result.

About 11 AM Kylie called and said she was leaving work and going straight to the doctors. The doctor said that she had a tummy bug, that he was seeing 4 or 5 a day just like her. Nothing he could really do except recommend an anti nausea drug and Imodium (An over the counter drug for upset stomach)

Kylie called us about 3 PM and told us she was on the floor at home, in #10 pain, throwing up.  Deidre drove straight over and took her to hospital where she was admitted. Initial diagnosis was a combination of UT infection, kidney infection, possible blood clot, and possible kidney stone. They gave her morphine for the intense pain and an antibiotic for the infections, took a CT scan and kept her over night. 

I picked up the kids from school and took them home - fed them, bathed them, let them watch TV and put them to bed (Good Grandpa stuff!) Deidre arrived home from the Hospital about 11 PM

Friday, November 5, 2020

We gave the kids breakfast and took them to their respective schools. The Taylors arranged to pick them up after school and take them for the weekend.

At the hospital more of the same, more tests and CT scans, but no positive diagnosis. Deidre was in and out, delivering clothing and food. Kylie was feeling less pain, but obviously not out of the woods. 

Meantime, back at #21, the plumbers came and stayed all day. I was very pleased that I was not paying by the hour. But they did finish, and now we have a working kitchen sink, a working dishwasher and new taps and drains in the Jack and Jill bathroom upstairs. 

Its always taken an age for the hot water to reach the kitchen, so they installed a pump that pumps the cold hot water into the cold water line until its hot. (A week later its still not working, but at least its in place.)

Saturday November 6, 2020

Spent an hour or so at the tile warehouse and brought home 1/2 dozen "possibles" to help us make a decision.

Deidre was in and out of the hospital again today. Kylie still does not have a definitive diagnosis. 

I spent most of the day attempting to install "crown molding" (i.e."cornice") in the new part of the kitchen wall. In the USA crown molding is made from two pieces of milled wood. Its complicated, because the angles have to be cut upside down on the chop saw. I filled my imperfect cuts with "plastic wood" and it looks OK now that it is painted!

Sunday November 7, 2020

Kylie was discharged around midday. She is feeling better, but run down, and has no definitive diagnosis. She is still on pain pills and blood thinners for the clot. She has appointments with three different specialists over the next couple of months.

I don't remember what I did, but I am sure it was important.

We spent the evening with her, made dinner, cut the grass etc. 

Monday November 9, 2020

Deidre slept over at Kylie's and took the kids to school. For such little people, they start so early. I think its nuts.

We finalized our back-splash tile choice over the weekend so drove over to the warehouse and picked up three boxes. I send a message to the tile guy and he responded by telling me he would be another day late. 

Tuesday November 10, 2020

Successful day today. 

I was up at 6 AM to drive to Kylie's and take the kids to school - Mason at 6:55 AM and Audrey at 7:30 AM and then home to pick up Deidre leaving Kylie to snooze and generally take it easy.

My objective today was to find some "interesting wood" to install on the Living Room side of the Kitchen island." The finished job would be about 36 square feet and I guessed I would need about 50 square feet of the raw product. I had identified three lumber distributors, one woodworking shop and one lumber mill, all a bit inland of Charleston. But our first stop was on the way in Summerville for breakfast.

The first place turned out to be a modern business that did not really have what I was looking for and was way over priced. The second was the woodworking shop owned by a genuine craftsman with a couple of "shortened" fingers (like Dad's) and an impressive wood shop and a lot of raw wood inventory. Also way too expensive.

The next place was in the middle of nowhere and a remnant of pre war South Carolina. It was an old saw mill that had definitely seen better days. (I have to go back and I will take a photo) They must have been collecting logs and reclamation wood for a hundred years. The place had not seen a paintbrush in my lifetime. They had an ancient accumulation of milled wood and logs, stored in large dilapidated buildings. 

The proprietor was a friendly young man, and he had exactly the sort of thing I wanted. (I did not know specifically what I wanted, but I thought I would recognize when I saw it!) He showed me a small stack of 100 year Cypress "sinker wood" that had been ripped into planks 6" to 8" wide by about 9/16" thick. The "figuring" on the wood was very interesting. We made a deal on the spot - $192 for about 50 board feet! What a deal! We can pick up our order "sometime next week."

Its called "sinker wood" because in the old days when they were cutting lumber in the Cypress swamps they would float the tree trunks down the rivers to the mills. Cypress is quite heavy wood, and so if it was left in the water too long it would sink to the bottom. Many of the logs have been rediscovered as the rivers and canals have been dredged. 

We were back in town in time to pick up Audrey and take her to Hip-Hop, only to discover it had been cancelled because of a possible Covid issue. 

The tiler called with a change of plans - "See you tomorrow!"

Wednesday November 11, 2020 "Armistice Day"

Chris (my favorite tiler) arrived at 7 AM. Its now 4:30 PM and the job is done. Our choice of tile was "conservatives" and the result looks "nice".

While Chris tiled, I entertained myself by painting the west wall of our living room. I will try and do a wall a day. But tomorrow I focus on installing the new flue. 

New Tile Backsplash

Thursday November 12, 2020

Adam, our electrician turned up today (after only a few prompts) and completed the electrical work. Deidre's hot-top and oven are now operable, as are all the outlets and the power source for the new flu. I believe his work is now complete.

I spent most of the day painting in the living room and completed another wall and a bit. The remaining part of the room is around the TV (and where the rest of the homeless kitchen clobber is stored) and that will be messy. But tomorrow is "flue day".

Kylie went to work today and seems to have survived. It has rained cats and dogs all day, more wind and rain tonight as hurricane ETA. passes off shore. 

Friday November 13, 2020

We took a large load of detritus to the dump today. We loaded the Jeep first thing  this morning, but as we set off red lights on the dash told us we had a flat tire, so we had to unload the whole lot to get the spare out, change the tire, and then load it again. But it was a good load and its really satisfyingly to get rid of stuff! I purchased two new tires that night.

On the way back from the dump we arranged lunch with Ky at the local hardware store that have an interesting little casual outside café. It started off selling hot dogs and now the food is quite good. Kylie seemed in good spirits.

When we eventually got back to #21, I installed a new light in the bar and had an initial "go" at the new exhaust flue. Next step for the flue is to drill a 6" hole in the side of the house. 

The hood base is now in place, I think that will be the easy bit. Note the cardboard protecting the new glass Hot Top in case I dropped a tool. 

Saturday November 14, 2020

Deidre has packed most of the new cabinets and the living room is looking civilized again. However the refrigerator is still waiting to move to its final location, and that is a bit of a spoiler. We have received the replacement cabinet, but the installers have not identified a date to finish the job, and I am starting to get aggravated. More pressure next week.

Today I finished painting the Living Room walls, touched up paint around the house in general, and finished a bit of woodwork. Mark and Donna came over for dinner - we ate out in the screened-in-porch.

Sunday November 15, 2020

Bit of a lost day. Started to put the living room curtains back up but bailed when we decided the rods were now the wrong color. Re-sanded and varnished the coffee table. Did a little bit of tidy up woodwork. Kylie was at work so we picked up the kids from the Taylors about 5PM and played with them until Kylie arrived home from work at about 7:30 PM. Watched the Space-X launch. 

Adam and Kathy are driving down for Thanksgiving - arrive Tuesday and leave Saturday. Deidre is starting to plan. 

Sunday November 22, 2020

Bit of a lost week. The parts to finish our kitchen were MIA all week, my relations with Lows started to see some strain, but the parts turned up on Friday and will be delivered Monday. Too late to get installed by Thanksgiving, but better late than never.

Deidre and I drove back to the sawmill on Tuesday to pick up the "sinker" wood. I was a bit disappointed in the quality, I will have to do a lot of cutting our flaws, so I asked for another 4 planks and hope to pick them up next week. 

Kylie called on Wednesday and reported a possible flea infestation. So Deidre and I jumped into action and purchased a bunch of flea stuff and headed to her house. Kylie had the day off so we three spent the day vacuuming, stripping the garage (where the cat is fed), washing sheets, treating upholstered surfaces and etc., but never saw a flea! The lease may never have been there, but her house is now extra clean!

Thursday I started working on my "sinker wood". First step was to cut off or strip out the bad parts, and ended up with 22 pieces of various widths but all 42" to 44" long. 

Our kitchen "island" has two nominally 45 degree corners (actually 41 degrees and 49 degrees) and so the next step was to strip a pair of boards to 20.5 degrees and another 24.5 degrees and glue them to "make the turn".

I spent most of Friday cutting "ship lap" configuration into the boards.

Monday November 23, 2020

Continued cutting and installing, the vertical planks were about 90% by the end of the day. Adam and family are scheduled to arrive late tomorrow, so all tomorrow will be devoted to getting the house ready. 

The installers called at about 5 PM and offered to finish our job first thing in the AM.

At about 8 PM we heard that Adam and family were already on the road. 

Tuesday November 24, 2020

Up early and polished off my job list ASAP. Deidre gave me permission to head out to the lumber yard and pick up my extra 4 boards as soon as the installers had arrived and were settled. They were a bit late (10:30 AM) and so I did not get onto the road until 11 AM. 

Adam and family arrived about 1:00 PM. The installers were still on the job, and now had a compressor in the Living Room. Kathy, Indy and I went for a bike ride to the beach and on to the market. Adam went for a run. The installers left about 3 PM. Kylie and the 2 kids arrived about 5:30 PM. Deidre made a big lasagna and salad for dinner. 

Our house is a bit small for 4 visitors. Adam and Kathy had a bedroom each (the rooms are small), Ruby had a bed in the laundry and Indy had a bed in my office. When Mason and Fiona spent the night, they slept on the floor in our bedroom. Its a bit messy, but who cares? Ruby and Indy are relaxed kids. But I would like a bigger house.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The weather was being very kind to our visitors - today was another perfect fall day, about 75 degrees and no wind. We packed a picnic and drove north to Awendaw for a hike and picnic. Deidre dropped us of at a trail head on the Palmetto Trail and continued on to our picnic spot at Buck Hall. Adam, Kathy, Ruby, Indy the dog (Leo) completed the 6 mile walk along the Arwebdaw Creek in about 1 1/2 hours. 

Leo the dog is a "lap dog" and I suspect he does not see much of the outside world. Kathy let him off his leash and he dashed in and out of the bush as we walked along the trail, obviously enjoyed every moment of freedom, and arrived covered in mud. 

Upon arrival at the park we got the fire going and cooked the hamburgers. Unfortunately we had not anticipated an issue with bugs, but sadly the no-see-ums we out in strength and made it a bit miserable. Adam found a tap and gave the dog a wash, to discover that he was "covered with ticks". They purchased "flea and tick" on the way home, and by the end of the day removed over 20ticks! 

The Cleveland Blackmans crossing a creek

Impressing the kids with my picnic party trick 

That afternoon we picked up Kylies kids from school and brought them to #21 for a sleepover. Kylie turned up after work, very tired. 

Kathy on the floor playing fiddle sticks with the 4 kids

Thursday November 26, 2020 - Thanksgiving

Kylie had to work in the morning (6 AM to 3 PM) and we needed to deliver the kids to the Taylor's by 4 PM so we celebrated Thanksgiving Lunch and not Thanksgiving Dinner. 

It was a perfect day, warm enough for the beach.

Ruby and Indy


Kathy and Adam

The minute Audrey arrived at the beach she needed to pee. So Kathy took off Audrey's bathers to make it easy. Apparently wet bathers were too hard to put back on. (She wont have any trouble meeting new friends on Ellwood Beach)

Of course Deidre worked her butt off in her new kitchen (at least the refrigerator was now in the proper spot) and lunch was great. and we all ate too much. 

After lunch Ky took the kids to the Taylors and went home to sleep, Adam and I did a long bike ride. The weather was prefect. 

Friday November 27, 2020

Another perfect weather day. I had made arrangements for a family kayak adventure in one of the local Cyprus swamps.  A large amount of the SC "low country" is dominated by tidal marshes and Cyprus swamps that I think will be fun to explore. The local "Francis Marion Forrest" is named after the famous general AKA "The Swamp Fox".

We were accompanied by a guide and paddled our kayaks around the swamp for about 2 hours. The temp was perfect, there were no bugs, paddling was effortless. 

Saturday November 28, 2020

Adam and family left at 5:30 AM this morning. Its a 12 hour non-stop drive for them, and its amazingly direct - just two highways (I-26 and I-77) virtually door to door. Still a long day, but easier than flying.

Deidre and I were in our PJs until after lunch. Its going to take us a couple of days to recover. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

95% finished the island wall today. I am now looking for the right oil to finish the surface. My current preference is Danish Natural Oil. We picked up the kids from the Taylors and fed and bathed them until Kylie arrived home from work t about 7:30PM

The kitchen is now basically complete, except for some final details. It was tested out over the long weekend and seemed to "pass". Here are some photos.

Sunday December 20, 2020

Not much to report. I did not stain the new wood facia because the end color would look too similar to the floor. The floor is "red oak" and needs to be refinished, so we are going to get that done first so we can have contrasting tones of wood. We think we will go "Scandinavian" on the floor, but we have to decide upon the color and get thru Xmas first. 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Today I have decided to declare our new kitchen project as "Complete". 

The last job was to stain and seal the "sinker wood" on the front of the island and then install the quad trim around the perimeter. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Our New Master Bathroom

Tuesday March 17, 2020

 Deidre had asked me to delay starting the renovation of our Master Bath until after Adam's family visit March 20th to 24th. But because of THE VIRUS the visit has been postponed and so now I can start!

First job was to lay down a plastic path from the Master Bath to the back stairs so that I would not destroy the carpet as I carried down all the rubble. Done!

Deidre had her first eye "done" yesterday, and so far she is doing great

Wednesday March 18, 2020

Started demolition. Made steady progress until I hurt my back. So I took a hot bath and drove up to the shops and bought a new bottle of vodka. Further progress will now have to wait until my back recovers a bit. Went to the chiropractor Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Friday morning took a full load of rubble to the dump in the Jeep. We had the kids from Friday afternoon until after dinner Saturday.

All the tiles around the bath - gone!

Removing the drywall around the shower

I am having fun!

Sunday March 22, 2020

I was feeling a lot better today, so work resumed. Turned off the water and capped the two supply lines to the shower (so I thought) and the supply line to the old toilet.

While I was waiting for the glue to cure on the pipes, I cut the old shower up with my grinder and tossed the pieces off the balcony in preparation to moving to the dump.

Turned the water back on when Deidre got home from making a delivery to Kylie's. Deidre immediately reported that water was flooding out of the kitchen ceiling. Not good. So made some adjustments to my plumbing arrangement, and now the water does not leak into the kitchen ceiling, but we have no water in the kitchen and just one working toilet.

Unfortunately our kitchen ceiling is now a bit of a mess. Add another job to the "home improvement" list.

Monday March 23, 2020

Took another load of rubble to the tip this morning. Popped into Lowes (like "Bunnings") on the way home and bought materials to build a few headers so that our roof does not collapse.

Dismantled the old shower wall, VERY careful not to damage any of the old pipes. Got into the roof and put some plumbing back together, and now we have hot and cold water in "most places". Hammered out the rest of the floor tiles in the main bathroom.

Adam, our Aussie electrician called in and promised to return by Friday and start moving wires.

Tuesday, March 24th, 2020

Broke out the tiles in the old toilet room. Took another load of rubble to the dump. Attacked by "no-see-ums" at the dump like never before. Miserable. Starbucks takeout on the way home.

Started cutting holes in the floor for the plumbers. Stood in my first hole and caused the ceiling to fall into the kitchen, almost crowning Deidre. Oh dear. Continued to remove parts of the bathroom floor, pretending that nothing had happened.

Now we have skylights in the kitchen. Cool!

The master bathroom floor is now ready for the plumber. The ceiling is now ready for the drywall guy. We only have cold water in the kitchen. Swept up.

Access for the plumbers

Wednesday March 25, 2020

We had the two nippers all day to give Kylie a rest. It was fun.

Thursday March 26, 2020

The one good thing about the Pandemic is that its easier to get trades people. "My Drywall Guy" came today and repaired the kitchen ceiling. "My Electrical Guy" turned up and did the preparatory electrical work in the bathroom. (His name is Adam and he is an Aussie from Adelaide, and a Dockers fan. He is fun and talks like a married magpie.)

I got hold of the plumber and he was delighted to get my call. He is sending around "his best man" to have a look. Things are speeding up. Amazing, tradespeople are even a little responsive..

Friday March 27, 2020

The plumber wanted to start today but I put him off till Monday because I still have to re-enforce the roof and ceiling structure where I plan to take out a wall. I don't want to have to work around a lot of new piping. Another visit to the "back-cracker". We took another load of rubble to the dump, and the no-see-ums were murderous. Picked up another pair of 2" by 6" beams at Lowes. My back is still sore.

Saturday & Sunday

Back felt a bit better today and I need to get ready for the plumbers, so I was in the roof. Using the two 2" by 6" boards to create a "box beam" over the wall that we are removing. In SC the roof has to be held "UP" (for obvious reasons) and "DOWN" because of hurricanes. Its now Sunday evening and I am happy with the result. Used an entire box of 3" construction screws.

This evening we are meeting Kylie and Mason at Walmart to buy Mason a bike for his upcoming birthday.

Monday March 30, 2020

The plumbers arrived this morning, all 3 of them. (If I knew their ages I could have added all three and the total would have been about 1/2 my age.) I had prepared a series of detailed instructions, drawings and diagrams in an attempt to avoid the need for face to face conversation. I met them in the street when they arrived, gave them the notes, told them their route in and out of the house, which bathroom to use and where we would be "hiding".

They were back in my office 10 minutes - "We do not understand your written directions". "What is the problem, I asked ?" Their answer: "There is a sewer pipe where the toilet goes and a drain pipe where the shower goes! What do you want us to do?" Turns out no-one had passed on the scope of work to them at all. So I briefly told them the overall plan, then went and found a copy of their company's quote that explained the basic deal. So much for minimal contact.

They worked until about 6 PM without many more questions. But they did use the wrong bathroom, and the water was turned off all day.

Tuesday March 31, 2020

Baby sitting day. We picked up the kids about 10:30 AM and gave them back, fed and bathed by 6:30 PM. Fun day, but tiring.

Ky's company "Belk" has closed the store and furloughed all the hourly employees. The Managers are working at the store 11:00 AM till 6:00 PM fulfilling internet orders. Ky says they are quite busy. The whole state is now under a "stay at home" rule, so things are quiet. (Except at our house)

Wednesday April 1st, 2020

This morning I removed the one remaining wall - the one holding up the roof! I held my breath as I cut out each of the studs, but the roof did not budge! With the wall out I can now repair the floor then install the new header. I worked until 7 PM!

The floor open and the one stud holding up the roof. I did not believe that it needed to be there, but it was easier to sleep with it in place
Thursday April 2nd, 2020

The new floor pieces had to fit perfectly and have diameters cut in them for the two drainage pipes. For some one as dyslectic as me, that's quite a challenge. Anyway, they went in OK. I "glued and screwed" the new floor pieces in place. "No squeaks in my bathroom!"

Today was also exciting in that we picked up our second online grocery order. We placed the order a week ago. We received everything we ordered except fresh met and bread! But we will not starve.

Friday April 3rd, 2020

The header went in today. Looks perfect. It IS perfect!

The "header" is the (pair) of very white horizontal 2" by 6" boards. I am very proud of my "header".

Saturday April 4, 2020

In case you have figured it out yet, progress with me is quite slow - but steady. Today's task was to sort out the spa-bath. The current situation with the bath is a bit of a mess. First job is tofigure out how to raise the bath an inch or so and chip out the rest of the tiles surrounding it.
Here the bath has been elevated a bit allowing access to chip out the old tiles.
Before we started this project the spa bath was about a full inch out of level. So now that the old tiles are gone, I need to figure out what is wrong with its foundation and fix it.

This afternoon we called Ky and suggested she came to dinner. (The kids are up "at the Creek" with dad - small d - but really with Jean and Nelma.) She declined "too tired". So I suggested, "How about we bring dinner over, serve it, clean up, and leave?" That worked, and we had a good visit and let her go to bed. She looked tired and stressed. I feel a bit helpless.

Deidre and I are not too stressed about the Corona virus as yet. The reports only show 1,900 cases in South Carolina, but we all know that is BS because they don't test you in SC until you die, and only then to see what you died from. (I am kidding, but just a little bit.)

As usual in the USA with anything bad, the virus is mostly affecting poor and old people. We "can't afford" universal health care, but when the rest of us are threatened, the government can come up with a couple of trillion dollars in a week or so. We live on an island, and inside a gated community, so feel safe. The virus does not know that, but we do.

Sunday April 5th, 2020

Bit of a slow day. We were in our PJs until 1 PM. I mowed the grass. Its starting to green up again, at last. Daily high temps are now in the 70's and 80's. South Carolina corona cases are still only about 2,000, but its meaningless because we just are not testing.

Arranged a neighborhood get together at 5:30 PM. Fourteen people attended. We sat in a circle on our driveway, all couples were at least "a few feet" apart. Brought our own food and drink.

Monday April 6th, 2020

First thing today Deidre and I visited Ky's place for breakfast and to assemble Mason's birthday new bike. When we got home I placed an order for a folding shower seat.

Oh, my aching back

Today was "noggin day". I installed noggins for the shower seat, the shower grab bar (if we need one), the shower slide bar, the main valve and I stiffened up a couple of the studs. All the new bathroom faucets arrived. We chose and ordered the new toilet. Kylie had cleaned out her garage so we drove over and sprayed it for bugs.

Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

Another perfect Spring day. Not hot, not cold, breeze and no tourists. And I had a productive day.

1. Back in the roof, removed all the obstacles to installing new ceiling - exhaust fan, light, A/C duct.and etc
2. Finally worked on leveling the bath with some success. Its not gong to be perfect, but much better than its been for the last 25 years.
3. Started building the knee wall. Will integrate the toilet roll holder and some "fancy magazine storage" into this wall.
4. Purchased the toilet and the toilet roll holder
5, Called the drywall guy and the tiler and the plumber.

Meanwhile things are pretty quiet around this part of SC. Kylie is busy at work fulfilling online orders. We picked up our third online grocery order today, and received about 90% of what we ordered. Gasoline is down to about $US 1.65 a gallon - but there is nowhere to drive.

We have a contract on Euclid Partners, and amazingly the Buyer is still hanging on. We gave all the tenants a 50% rent reduction, and that was received well.

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

The drywall guy does not want to come until the new lights are set.

Thursday, April 9th, 2020

Mowed Kylie's front yard.

Friday, April 10th, 2020

The plumbers came today and finished the rough-in. Tried to buy all the tiles but all 3 types are out of stock! Probably a corolla virus issue.

Saturday, April 11th, 2020

Mowed Kylie's back yard.
Another tiler came to quote.
I installed a 4' by 8' perspex panel in my workshop to keep out some rain.

Sunday, April 12th, 2020

Installed the knee wall. I feel that I am working, but have little to show.

Monday, April 13th, 2020

Lots of storms in the region Monday morning. Ten tornadoes touched down in coastal SC, one about 20 miles from the IOP. Its very unusual to have tornadoes so close to the coast. Lots of damage up-state.

The Corona Virus "seems" pretty subdued in SC, but who really knows? Not much testing in SC (we have the pleasure of living in a Trump state) and without testing no-one really knows the danger. We are keeping inside except for tile hunting!

Saturday April 18th, 2020

We seem to have spent the whole week looking for tiles.  The Corona Virus issue has messed up supply lines and each time we find a good combination of colors etc the supplier cannot get all the pieces. We did get the vanity cabinets ordered this week.

We only had the kids one day this week - Thursday.

She is growing out of all her cloths!

Sunday April 19, 2020

Better day today. Tore out the Master Bath plumbing/basins/cabinets. The rubble is in the Jeep ready for a visit to the dump tomorrow. Pancakes for afternoon tea!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Good progress today. Sorted out the tiles issue with the supplier in Canada and handed it back to the local sales person. He called when we were on our way to the dump - they have found enough tiles in Texas and they will transfer them over here.

Took a good load to the dump. Popped into see Ky on our way back and had a strategy session with her re Ryan. We are hiring a new attorney. Ryan has failed on just about every requirement in the divorce agreement.

The EP deal is still alive. Amazing, but making work for me.

There is talk about re-opening SC for work etc. I suspect that oldies like Deidre and I will be sheltering for a year or so, maybe until a vaccine is available. That's OK, we have had a good run for 70+ years. Almost all of our "old friends" are carrying a variety of conditions that make them more vulnerable.

Sunday May 3, 2020

Deidre and Mason's big day. Kylie hosted a lunch and Mason opened his presents. We ate outside in her back yard.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The tilers are here! Today they just about covered all the area to be tiled with the "underlay" sheeting and "mudded" the shower base. Nice guys, cleaned up before they left. Happy with progress.

Thursday May 7, 2020

We have the two nips today and tomorrow. The tilers are here and I thought the kids would be interested, but no dice.

Mason is finding riding a bike a bit of a challenge. He received a new bike for his birthday but just cannot manage it. So last weekend I bought a very used "small kids" bike on the internet for $10 that he could sit on the seat and touch the ground with his feet - so he could "skoot" along and get used to the balance. The bike is rather "beat-up" and the seat was damaged, so I bought a new seat, so now its a $20 bike. I introduced it to him today, no pressure - he has not sat on it yet. There is always tomorrow!

Friday May 8, 2020

The tilers are making good progress. The shower base has been "mudded" and sealed. The floor is both rooms is finished, awaiting grout. The vertical tile in the shower is 80% done. The boss came in today for a check and estimated that the job would be completed by Wednesday.

Coming along

Monday May 11, 2020

Looks like we came to terms with the EP Buyers, so "all we have to do now" is get it on paper and executed. Once its executed, "all we have to do"is get it closed.

Only one tiler today, and all he did was grout the floor and the part of the walls that is complete.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

We have the two kids today. Deidre and I are spending more time on Mason's online education efforts.

Only one tiler again today. He set a row of tiles around the bath and set the mosaic tiles in the shower pan. Tomorrow I will try and move the bath tightly into the corner. The cabinets will not be delivered until June 22, 2020. That's a drag.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The tilers finished today! But they are coming back to drill holes in the new tiles so I can install the folding seat, a grip bar and the slide for the hand held part of the shower. I was delighted by the quality of their workmanship, and I don't say that very often.

It looks like our property in East Chicago is sold and might even "Close" by the end of the month. Bill and I have owned the place since 1985. So that will be the end of an era - if it actually happens. I am making a visit to East Chicago next Thursday to attend to some details. I must admit I am a bit spooked about leaving the house! (Illinois had the largest number of Corona Virus deaths yesterday!)

Thursday May 21, 2020

Early this morning I caught the only remaining direct flight to Chicago, Midway. There was only one row of parked cars in the parking lot, and 31 people on the flight, all nicely spaced out. Midway airport in Chicago was empty, all the restaurants and stores were closed except "Hudsons" the newspaper store. There was only one employee at Budget (car rental). All very strange.

I flew back on Friday afternoon - this is a long weekend (Memorial Day) and there were a few more travelers, but still nice and relatively quiet. When I got home Deidre made me undress in the garage and go straight to the shower!

The Euclid Partners deal seems to be on track, with the Closing scheduled for May 29, 2020. If this goes thru, then I go from 90% retired to 95% retired.

Sunday May 24, 2020

This weekend I installed the folding teak seat, the slide for the hand held shower, the grab bar, and I started working on the knee wall "facilities". The drywall guy is coming tomorrow to "have a look" at the remaining work. Delivery of the cabinets is still June 22,

Friday May 29, 2020

The Euclid Partners deal closed today. We "Seller Financed" the deal so all we got to keep is the 10% deposit, but by the time all the vultures got to pick at that we kept about about 2%. But the interest rate on the note is 4.75% so IF THEY PAY the extra bit of income will be nice.

Wednesday June 1st, 2020
Adam and family turned up late yesterday after driving from Cleveland. They are planning to stay for 4 nights. Kylie and the two kids turned up for dinner last night so we had quite a family event. Good fun. Adam had not seen this house since the late 90's!

Adam and I took a long walk this morning, they are now all down the beach. Deidre and I are resting.

Curtis finished the drywall work today, so all we need now is plumbing and paint in the shower/bath/toilet room.

In Kylie's back yard

On the beach with Leo


Monday June 8, 2020

Two plumbers came today to complete the plumbing in the shower/tub/toilet room. They had problems with the toilet - "bad design". I was quite unhappy with the result and emailed the boss fter they left.

I would hate to slid off the toilet at the wrong moment.

Tuesday June 9, 2020

The boss came with a helper today and after a bunch of cussing got the job done correctly. I continued the painting.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

The shower enclosure and door was installed today. We can now take a shower! Deidre was the first to try, so I sneaked a photo. (I don't know why she wore her nickers, maybe she suspected that I was going to take a photo?)

I had arranged with the shower glass people to also remove the mirror and cut 4" from its depth. They did this in our bedroom and then carried it back to the bathroom and taped it to the wall awaiting the arrival of cabinets and counter tops. Its a huge mirror, I think I will ask them to come back and install when we are ready. I am scared of it.

There was a lot of glass in the carpet after they were done. Not impressed!

Wednesday June 24, 2020

The new cabinets came today. I paid the kid next door $20 to help me carry them upstairs. The cabinets installed easily enough, although I had ordered 108" of cabinets knowing that the space was really only about 107 7/8", and so it was a bit of a "tight fit". 

Later in June - Caulking

I have been putting off the caulking of the bath. Because the room is not square (and the bath is) we have a substantial "gap" along the back wall - tight at one end and about 5/8" at the other. I am not good at caulking, so the idea of tooling a 60" gap with that condition was intimidating. I experimented with making my own "self leveling" caulk by diluting silicone caulk with NAPTHA and that seemed to have potential. Then I found a caulk product that is used for cracks in driveways that is "self leveling" and tried that. Its grey (rather than white) and that actually helped as it blended in with the grey and white tile.

Later in June - Counter Tops

We only need about 18 sf of counter top and the minimum seems to be about 25 sf so we have been looking for a place that had some leftovers/off cuts. We discovered that actually looking at leftover granite and quartz is not easy, and a good way to crush some finders. But we were eventually successful and the new counter tops and sinks will be installed tomorrow! (July 13th)

July 1st, 2020

The first payment from the EP Buyers arrived today. One down, 59 to go. Their organization is not impressive as yet - they still have not invoiced the tenants for July rent!

So far in July - Painting

All our doors and wood trim needs repainting so I have been keeping myself busy taking two doors off at time for sanding, painting and reinstalling. I am set up on the top balcony with a view of the street with my new Amazon speaker device listening to rock and roll and talking to Alexa!

The new counter tops arrive tomorrow (July 13, 2020). I get my first eye done in 8 days.

Plans for Morningdale Drive.

Kylie needs more room in her house! I have started to plan an addition - sun room and office. I have decided to be the "general contractor" and get it done this year. That will a) save some money and b) keep me busy while the Corona Virus passes through. I seem to have found a few good trades people, all I need is a good concrete guy. So the future of the BLOG is safe for a while!

Tuesday July 14, 2020

Yesterday the new "quartz" counter top was delivered and installed in the master bathroom. Today I will install the plumbing.