Monday, May 14, 2012

She's back!

Back in the Galley!
Deidre arrived "home" at about midnight on Thursday May 24th. She had been away for 2 weeks, 2 days and 14 hours. The trip back was a little faster than the trip out, but still about 30 hours door to door. We had a rather quiet day Friday, but today we are starting to get organized once again.

David and family arrive next week on Wednesday. We plan to head North on Thursday morning, however Tropical Storm "Beryl" is churning offshore at the moment and no one seems very sure where it heading! (Its a very sunny but windy day today, with 30% chance of rain.) This is the Memorial Day weekend, and the island is very busy.

We are working hard to get the boat ready. Deidre and I spent a couple of hours today wrapping up the battery installation and I changed the oil in both generators while Deidre went "provisioning". I plan to give the boat a good wash on Sunday.

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