Saturday, September 22, 2012

Corrotoman River

Monday October 1, 2012
37 42.744 N
76 27.385 W

Leaving "The Tides"

Leaving Bonnie & Jon
We pulled out of The Tides at about 10 AM. Our departure was not without drama - the starboard starter battery was dead and I needed to engage the "jump switch" to get it running. Obviously the battery did not like the 5 weeks of inactivity. 

We only had a modest day planned - a 5 mile trip across the Rappahanock to Urbanna. This town was founded in the 1600's and was an important tobacco port "back in the day". We intended to anchor in the town creek and then dinghy ashore for a walk around and maybe dinner.

But it was not to be - the anchorage was quite attractive but small and crowded with private moorings and crab floats. We decided to move on. Also, I wanted to give the the starter batteries time to recharge, so we headed back across the river to the Corrotoman River. We ended up a few miles upstream in a very protected and pretty anchorage.

When we stopped to anchor we discovered the windlass was jammed and so it was a struggle to get the anchor down. It seems the 5 weeks of inactivity has had a negative effect on some equipment. But all is well now and we are snug.

Tomorrow we are heading for Tangier Island - it is a bit out of the way but apparently a bit of a 'time capsule" because of its relative isolation.

1 comment:

  1. Did you decide if that's the same Tides that own Enchantment in Sedona?
