Thursday, April 30, 2015

Butler Island Anchorage

Thursday April 30, 2015
33 25.549 N
79 12.400 W

We were up at 5:45 AM and underway at first light. This was because we were aware of severe shoaling about 22 NM north, and needed to get there with at least 1/2 the tide. Everyone else seemed to have the same idea and at one point in the morning we counted 6 boats heading north. Quite unusual.

Our plan was to anchor in Wynyah bay for the night then head offshore to Cape Fear. But the weather forecast for Friday was slipping a bit and by Noon we decided to stay on the ICW for the next two days until Wrightsville Beach, and then head offshore to Beaufort. This plan meant two long days on the ICW, but we can still make it to the yard by Monday AM.

I have lots of favorite anchorages, and this is one of them. We enjoyed dinner on the aft deck. Grilled salmon.

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