Saturday, January 30, 2016

Off to Florida

Friday January 22 to Monday 25th

We keep pretty busy on the boat but need a break occasionally. We have some boating friends camped in the Stuart area so on Friday we were up early and headed south. It was a horrible day, cold, wet and winy so a good day for a drive.

Stuart is about 600 miles south and where we purchased Tide Hiker back in 2011. Its a nice place, very "boaty". Don and Barb met us at a local sport for dinner (we had a 10% off coupon!) and it was fun to catch up with their news. Next day we had breakfast at a fancy spot and then drove to Palm Beach for a bit of shopping and to look at RVs - our next adventure. Saturday night we had been invited for dinner on Cavara, followed by cards.

Sunday afternoon we met up with Steve and Diane on Aurora - another DF RPH 49. Steve is a real "guru" on DeFevers and I was looking for advice on a bunch of "long term maintenance" issues. Steve and I spent an hour or so in the ER, then returned upstairs for pizza and a little imbibing

Monday we drove back to Charleston. I like putting lots of miles on rental cars.

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