Friday, February 26, 2016

Back to the boat

Wednesday February 24, 2016

We were out of the house by 8 AM and in the air on schedule at 11;20 AM. All went well till an hour out of BWI when we were advised that the airport was closed because of severe weather, and after circling for a while we diverted to Pittsburgh. Waited on the ground in Pittsburgh for about an hour and then took off again for BWI. Upon disembarking we discovered that our connection to Charleston had been "cancelled". After standing in the service desk line for 30 minutes we were offered a replacement flight on SATURDAY!

So I rented a "one way rental" for the 575 mile drive to Charleston and we hit the road. It was late but I wanted to get south and thru the Washington Beltway so we did not have to battle peak hour in the morning on Thursday. Once south of DC we grabbed a meal at an all night place and found a motel.

Thursday February 25, 2016

Underway again at 9 AM. It was still pretty breezy but the rain had stopped and road conditions we OK. We had a "audio book" loaded on the iPad (that we had started on the Florida trip in January) and plugged that into the cars audio system and settled in. We arrived at Charleston airport at about 5PM and swapped cars and headed home.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Deidre is suffering from the crud again.- assume picked it up on the flight home. She is really crook, spent all day Saturday in bed. It seems to be exactly the same "virus" that we both had in November, December and January. I finally god rid of it in the warmth and dry of Arizona.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Today we moved Tide Hiker from D-11 to D-7. Engines cranked up OK. In between docks we idled up to the marina fuel dock and had a pump out. We feel a bit like "house sitters" moving from dock to dock, but we are good till June in D-7 because "Sand Piper" will be in the Bahamas until June.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Deidre is feeling a bit better so we drove down to Hilton Head to visit with old Solon friends, Jay and Lovie. The 2 hour drive each way allowed us listen to some more of our "audio book" but we still have 5 hours to go! Very pleasant day.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Deidre is feeling better, but still coughing. Another cool and windy day. I did my "stress test" at the heart specialist and passed with flying colors. Tonight we went to the new Gilliard Theater for a "Beetles Night". Big crowd of old people were there.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Today we purchased a car. I am a bit tired of paying $600 to $700 a month on rentals. After an easy negotiation we paid $7600 for a 2006 Mercedes E500 with 98,000 miles under its belt. It is 100% perfect outside, but with a bit of upholstery wear and needs a bit of a freshen up. It seems to run perfectly and is fun to drive. And it is big enough for Deidre to sit across the back seat on the way back from Durham.

Tomorrow I head to the Department of Motor Vehicles (dread....)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

I am beginning to wonder how much I have saved so far:

     Liability Insurance:                     $442.00 for 6 months
     Property Tax on`the car:               $87.50
     Title and Sales tax                      $335.00

Tomorrow I will get it detailed and the headlight covers polished: $265.00

Later in the week, new motor mounts and rear brakes: $1,050.

(Have I saved any money yet? What a crazy idea.)

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