Saturday, November 19, 2016

Charleston, SC

Tuesday November 15, 2016

Our Tuesday was 39 hours long, and most of those hours were used traveling back from Sydney to Charleston. All the flights were good, the two connections in LAX and BWI tedious but efficient, and we arrived in Charleston exactly on time for Kylie to pick us up. Temps were in the 40's and Tide Hiker was cold, so we cranked up our electric blankets and went to bed.

Saturday November 19, 2016

It has taken me until now (4 PM on Saturday) to get to the blog. One reason has been getting access to the internet - the marina wifi system was knocked our by Mathew and is still not repaired. And it took me until yesterday to figure out that the battery in my personal hub had also failed while we were away and so it was not working - most frustrating.

The weather over the last 3 days has been sublime, but a long awaited change arrived this afternoon. Apparently temperatures will be in the 30's tonight. We have been sleeping a lot and generally having trouble getting out of our own way, so not much has been achieved. But today was a new day - we must have caught up on sleep - and so we both got stuck into cleaning the boat and preparing to leave for "places south".

We plan to drive to Cleveland for Thanksgiving - leave Wednesday 23rd and be back on board Sunday 27th. Our aim is to leave Charleston in the first week of December.

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