Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Thunderbolt Marine

Wednesday September 20, 2017

Easy morning - breakfast, washed the decks, and underway by 11 AM. The short 22 NM run was pleasant and uneventful. Even though we have not cleaned Tide Hikers hull for a month she ran along at her usual pace. We spend the night at the marina and will be hauled in the AM.

This is definitely a "big boy" yard. I am sure they will pick Tide Hiker up like a dinghy!

Thursday September 21, 2017

This is a very professional yard. Our Project manager ("Lars") arrived at 7:30 AM and asked us to have Tide Hiker ready to move at 8:30AM. By 9:00 AM we were in the slings and on shore shortly thereafter. I hate hauling Tide Hiker, and we have probably averaged one haul a year for various reasons, but this was the best and least stressful that I had experienced.

First step was to power wash the hull, although the anti fowling looked really good and did not need much work. The running gear was a bit rough with some growth the workers identified as originating from Windmill Harbour. The power wash made short work of that.

The surveyor got to work "sounding" the hull with his hammer and all was good until he noticed some damage near the port shaft "log" (the area where the prop shaft passes thru the hull into the ER). I quickly realized that the damage must have happened when we ran over a crab pot float and line in Charleston harbor when returning from Florida. I immediately started making arrangements with Lars to get the area repaired. While Tide Hiker was out of the water I replaced the rudder zincs. The shaft zincs looked OK. Everything else looked good and so Tide Hiker was put back into the water and we were back on the slip before Noon.

The survey continued on board, including another sea trial, until about 6 PM! The surveyor was a very nice gentleman, and had surveyed boats and boat builders all over the world. IMHO he seemed rather impressed with Tide Hiker, making comments like "nice layout" and "clean engine room" and "Is the deck paint new?" that gave me that general impression.

He did note a few things that needed attention, but nothing major. I was embarrassed that 2 of the 3 "High Water" alarms were not working (since fixed!) and that the fire extinguisher inspections were over due (easy to resolve) and suggested I purchased a spray for spots that showed minor corrosion (purchased yesterday!). Other then that, Tide Hiker surveyed very well.

We celebrated with the people next door who had been towed in the previous night - their big cat had been washed into the marsh during Irma - the rudders and "sail drives" were damaged and not serviceable.

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