Saturday, March 16, 2019

Argentina - March 2019

Wednesday March 13 and 14, 2019

Uneventful flights from Charleston to Atlanta and then on to BA overnight. The flight arrived at 9:00 AM, a few minutes early. That's when the waiting started.

BA Immigration
 We were in line for just under three hours. Deidre's ankle was really sore by the time we got thru.

We are fortunate to be staying with friends - Richard and Jan -in BA. I had met them both during my hike across England a few years back. They are from Cleveland (and live a couple of blocks from Adam and Kathy) but live for 3 or 4 months a year in BA.

Richard had arranged for a taxi to meet us at the airport, and that poor guy had been waiting also. The taxi ride to our friends house was maybe 25 miles and took about an hour. Richard was waiting for us outside his apartment building.

Richard and Jan's apartment is definitely in the "Paris end" of BA. It is on the 4th floor and must be at least about 1,800 sf, with three bedrooms, formal dining, maids rooms, an office, marble bathrooms, a balcony overlooking a park and etc. It is beautifully finished with grand curtains and wood parquet floors. I could just imagine Evita living right here!

Our place from the road

First task was to get some local money. There are about 40 Pesos to the $1.00 and the most common note seems to be P100, so I ended up with a huge wad of notes about 1" thick! The photo below was after we had spent a bunch!

Then we headed out to lunch, where we met up with two friends of Richard and Jan at "lunch time", about 3 PM. So far dining has been my highlight of the visit. The restaurants are charming, the staff all in black and aprons,  very smart and attentive - and very inexpensive. For lunch we had champagne and 3 courses, all for $15 each!

We came back to the apartment and had a nap.

Friday March 15. 2019

Big day today. After a leisurely breakfast Richard and I headed out to explore the city and get some steps. Richard, Bryce and I "compete"with our steps, and now was my chance to get into the winners circle for once. We walked around the city all morning, stopping in a few spots to grab a beer. Its an impressive city with lots of parks, wide and tree lined boulevards and some impressive Colonial and classy buildings. Quite clean and well maintained.

Street scene walking with Richard

Fancy hotel

Metal flower that opens and shuts based upon the amount of sun
We met the ladies at the race Track at 3:00 PM for lunch. The restaurant overlooked the track, and we made a few minor wages as we enjoyed our lunch.

After lunch Deidre and I made our way independently to the Rose garden (where we stopped to smell the roses!) and then grabbed a coffee in a bar built in under a railway via duct.

Home in time to rest up and then out to dinner at the La Rambla" at about 10PM.

Saturday March 16, 2019

Walked over to the "City of the Dead" this morning, in particular to see Evita's tomb. Pretty weird place, huge, lots of tourists.

Richard and I popped out to cash some more $US as my wad seemed to be shrinking! Then into a cab and headed over to La Boca - the old port area.

The old port area has been replaced by containers and so now its for the touristas. First we popped into a museum dedicated to the artist Benito Quinquella Martin.

Then into the tourist area set in the streets and warehouses of the old port. I know its all a bit "passe" but I really enjoy these places. Many of the eateries featured tango dancing which is interesting and strange, but the ladies were sometimes quite stunning.

Taking a break

We had lunch at the old port then caught a bus "downtown" to check out the "Pink House" (where the President lives) and other sights. After a bit of a walk around Deidres joints were starting to hurt and so the ladies caught a cab home and Richard and I walked - about 3 miles - and got some "good steps".

Richard, Deidre and Jan

Sunday March 17, 2019

I just woke up, its 11 AM. We did not get home to bed last night until 1 AM. I have an hour to get ready (by being clean and wearing something green) for a St Patrick's Day party at "The American Club"

Sneak peek in the door of the dining room
The American Club turns out to be quite swanky. We were greeted with a glass of Baileys that made the stuff at home seem like skim milk! Wow, it was good. Followed by Guinness (that I have never really enjoyed, but it was really OK!) Called to lunch, we shared our table with the Egyptian Ambassador and his wife. She was quite charming. We were home by 4:00 PM.

Jan and Richard are having a party tonight. I need to marshal my reserves!

LATER: It's only 1:30 AM - let's go out for supper!

Inside the Opera House

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