Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Wednesday August 8th, 2012
40 59.701 N
72 32.362 W

We took the dink into the marina to meet our "new friend" Eric on time. He was nowhere to be seen, so we immediately adjusted to "Plan B" - out for breakfast! After a couple of inquiries we found a place and breakfast was great. Eric called us an hour or so later - perfect timing. He jad the part and had installed it. All he needed now was $30 for the part. So for a meager $255 we were all set.

We quickly made it back to the boat, hoisted the dink and were under way by 11:30. It was going to be a short day, but Eric had suggested a little port called Mattituck, maybe 30 miles away. The town was a mile or two up a little creek and there was a small anchorage at the head of the creek.

Hmmm seems close?
So here we are. The anchorage is minute, and there are a couple of yachts already anchored. We squeezed in, backing down so far that I can almost reach the bow pulpit of a sailing boat behind us. So much so that the occupants came over in their dink to complain - so we invited them in for a couple of beers and I agreed to shorten our anchor by a few feet. We exchanged phone numbers and parted friends.

We are heading to Block Island early in the AM. We have to catch the tide down the Sound and get thru "The Race" at near slack. Should be fun.

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