Thursday, August 2, 2012

New York (Almost!)

Thursday August 2, 2012
40 26.562 N
74 00.029 W

We are anchored behind Sandy Hook about 15 nautical crow miles from Battery Park. Not quite downtown, but we must be close as we are getting about 75 broadcast TV channels and great internet access. We are happily watching the Olympics as I write this.

Sunrise out of Atlantic City

We had about 85 miles to cover today so we planned an early start. We were in bed by 8:30PM and out by 4:45AM, and underway by 5:30AM. Sunrise was not until just after 6:00AM but with a full moon and the lights of the city we could see perfectly well. The water was like glass, the sky was 100% clear, and we were heading east into the sunrise. Magic.

Deidre's camera has conked out (we hope it is the battery) so our only photos we taken on the iPad.

There is not much to say about the trip except that it took 12 hours. The boat ran well, we averaged about 7.1 kts, we must have had some tidal flow against us. When we made the turn around Sandy Hook we got up to about 10 kts with tide, and strange as it sounds the speed scares me!

What can I say?
We had planned to anchor just off the Coast Guard Station, but just could not find a clear spot, and ended up another couple of miles up the Bay at Horseshoe Cove. It's not great, but its good enough. We plan to stay here tomorrow to "catch up" on sleep and boat duties.

Sandy Hook 
Friday August 3, 2012

We stayed up late and watched the Olympics and did not get to bed till 11PM. The forecast was for 5 - 10 kt winds, but it seemed to be blowing a lot harder than that, so I checked the anchor a couple of times and set an anchor alarm before we went below. We both slept well and I did not really wake up until 9AM. The weather had settled down during the night, and the morning was quite foggy and hazy. It is now 11AM and we still cannot even see the Verenzano Bridge.

We are going to spend today resting up, planning and some PM. (And maybe a swim) We have been under way six straight days and covered a lot of water - I estimate about XX miles.

Sandy Hook'
Saturday, August 4, 2012

We decided to stay another day. The weather is a bit iffy and I wanted to better understand the tidal currents in NY Harbor, and needed to do some research. The currents get up to 5 knots in the East River, and in Tide Hiker that is a lot. Maybe I was just being lazy. Plus we had great TV reception and could watch the Olympic Games. And the anchor was already set and holding well. So we stayed.

Mind you, Deidre was a bit stir crazy by the end of the day.

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