Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pelican Bay Anchorage

Thursday February 7, 2014
26 41.378 N
18.14.569 W

Solid 50 NM day. We paid our bill, said our goodbyes and were underway before 9AM. The wind picked up the moment we left the marina and has been on our nose at 15-20 kts all day. First 20 miles or so were on the Intra Coastal, then we went "out" at the Venice entrance for the next 30 miles down the coast. Came in at the Boca Grand entrance and dropped the anchor in Pelican Bay at about 5:30 PM. Its so relaxing to anchor in an area you know.

Looks like we will have 15-20 kts of wind all night, and it sounds worse than it is, but its good holding in sand so should be "no worries". Drag Queen is set. Left overs for dinner. Naples tomorrow.

Strange boat category

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