Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Longboat Key Club Moorings (Jan 22-Feb 6)

January 22, 2013
27 22.104 N
82 37.110 W

NOTE: We will be here for at least two weeks. I will update this page for the duration of our stay. I will start a new page when we arrive at a new destination. Bob

Tide Hiker backed in
The Club House
We picked up Jon & Bonnie at 9:00AM and headed to town We wanted some breakfast and a look around the city before we headed out at about Noon. We found a decent deli for breakfast and then stood on a corned and waved down "Lollie the Trolly" for a 30 minute tour of down town. The price was right $0.25 for me and $0.50 for my young wife.

Back on the boat we dropped the pennant right on time and headed for Longboat Key, about 28 NM away. The trip was uneventful except for two bridges that were only a couple of miles apart but only opened every 1/2 an hour which was awkward. The weather was OK but with a fresh breeze of 15 - 20 MPH on our stern.

We arrived at the marina at about 5 PM. Bon Voyage went in first, we waited 10 minutes in the bay so that we would be sure of getting serviced by the dock hand. Good thing we did because our assigned slip involved some tight maneuvering in the strong breeze. My first approach was a bust and we hit one of the pylons pretty hard, but in a "good spot" so no scratches. Next try I was a bit wiser and we made it in OK.

But the slip was no good as there was no way for us to get off the boat and the water near the bulkhead was too shallow for Tide Hiker to back in. So we arranged for a change of location the next day.

Bonnie and Jon came over for dinner. Deidre excelled as usual.

Wednesday January 23, 2013

Sunny but chilly morning, and the wind had died down. Jon came over after breakfast and helped us move the boat. We are now backed in and in a more convenient part of the marina. We explored the marina - seems like a nice place. It is associated with a resort hotel and golf course. All we need is another 10 degrees.

We got the bikes down and did a shop at the local Publix supermarket.

Thursday January 24th, 2013

Jon and Bonnie have a truck that follows them around. The truck was currently located in Brunswick Georgia and so Jon rented a car and the two of us set off at 8 AM to fetch the truck. It was a 330 miles each way, we had lunch in Brunswick and headed back, home by 8 PM.

While we were away, Deidre had arranged to meet up with Barb Pesnichak, an old Valparaiso friend who now lives in Bradenton, about 30 minutes away. (In a previous life, Barb had invited Deidre to visit her in Peking. Deidre still thinks it was the best trip of her life.) They had lunch together and Barb introduced Deidre to her hair dresser.

Friday January 25th, 2013

Sue and Bruce were arriving Saturday so we had today to clean up the boat. We were still having some problems with the "master head" and an ordered part - a replacement "joker valve" - had arrived Thursday. I had to take the toilet apart to install it, and that took most of the day. Dinner and a movie on Bon Voyage - our hosts both fell asleep in the movie.

Saturday January 26th, 2013

Australia Day. Sue and Bruce arrived in time for lunch. We chatted on the aft deck and enjoyed some beverages. Later in the afternoon we drove a few miles to an outdoor art show at St. Armands Circle. The people looking was good.

Sunday January 27th, 2013
Eating at the beach

This morning I got Bruce busy on a few varnishing jobs. Barb and Jim Pesnichak arrived at Noon and we six drove to a fun restaurant for lunch. The place was right on the beach and in the sun. When we got back to the boat Bruce and I set to the task of changing the oil in the two engines. After dinner we four headed for the hot tub.

Meanwhile the weather has been perfect - high 70's and low 80's with hardly a cloud in the sky. The marina resort and the surrounding area is just a small paradise. Longboat Key is just a neat place.

Sue's Corona-rita
Monday January 28, 2013

Deidre discovered that our toilet was leaking this morning. That revelation pretty much determined my day.

When I put it back together on Saturday I was concerned that the stress on the components was going to cause a leak. So we spent most of the morning driving around Sarasota looking for the parts I needed to change the plumbing. Back at the boat Deidre, Sue and Bruce headed for the beach leaving me in the crapper. I was still at it when they returned. That evening we played a card game called "500". As required by tradition, the "girls" creamed the "boys".

Tuesday January 29, 2013 .

The toilet project remains basically resolved, but not complete and tested. We have guests and they take precedence and so today we headed for a picnic and beach day. We drove to Turtle Beach on Siesta Key. Unfortunately we hit Sarasota just as the "Great Wallender" completed his high wire thing and got caught in the traffic. But we eventually arrived and enjoyed bar-b-que lunch and the beach.

Wednesday January 30th, 2013

Warm and very windy, white caps on the bay, red flags on the Gulf.. We drove over to the beach side resort and tried to get in the sun and hide from the wind. Enjoyed lunch on the patio out of the wind. Went to see "Quartet" at the movies and then Sue and Bruce shouted us dinner afterwards. Nice relaxing day.

Deidre and Sue

Thursday January 31st, 2013

Last day for Sue and Bruce and they took us out for a slap up breakfast near Square. We were back by about Noon and they finished packing and headed out for the Airport. I rode my bike to Ace and picked up some parts for the toilet and finished the job. I think it is OK! The photos below show "before" and 'after". The difference may seem insignificant, but it took me about 3 days "on and off". The change resulted in much less stress on all the joins and hence less propensity to leak.


Friday February 1, 2013

Spent most of the day in the car with Jon and Bonnie doing errands and shopping and getting a hair cut. Lunch at a Thai restaurant and coffee at Starbucks. Spent some time in the hot tub.

Saturday February 2, 2013

Today I scrubbed the underside of the canvas over the Flying Bridge, and the canvas awning over the Aft Deck. Both had been showing signs of mildew and were looking a bit sad. They look pretty good now.

Sunday February 3, 2013

Today I changed the oil and filters in both generators and cleaned up the ER a bit. In the afternoon we went to see "Zero Dark Thirty" with Jon and Bonnie, followed by Mexican dinner. A good day.

Monday February 4, 2013
Quiet day

This morning I had a tooth removed. I cannot say it was just "pulled" because I had to go to a dental surgeon and he needed to cut it into about 8 pieces to get it all out.. The tooth has been bothering me for 6 months and was starting to get worse. I did not want to end up with a major tooth ache any time in the next three months as we will be moving pretty continuously.

We will leave Longboat Key when I am happy with the healing process, probably later this week. Unfortunately Bob Voyage will not be with us as they have company coming here, and we need to get underway so that we can be sure we will be back at the Palm Coast to catch the plane to Australia on 3/30.

Tuesday February 5, 2013

Went to be ad 8 PM last night and enjoyed 12 hours of drug induced sleep. Deidre made me a "soft breakfast of scrambled eggs and baked beans which was yum. Took it easy most of the day, ended up reading in the sun at the pool until about 5 PM when Barbara and Jim arrived to take us out to dinner.

Wednesday February 6, 2013

I am feeling pretty good so will be leaving Thursday. To day is "get the boat shipshape" day, starting with a pump out this morning.


  1. looks like fun.......not the toilet, being with friends!

  2. great job on the toilet! looks much better after!
