Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lemon Bay

Saturday January 19, 2013
26 55.670 N
82 21.221 W

We are now travelling with Jon and Bonnie so "early" is the plan of the day. We were underway at 8 AM sharp. (Tomorrow we head out at 7 AM!) For the first 20 miles or so we were retracing our route North past Pelican Bay. Other than a couple of bridges it was an uneventful day. We were anchored by 3 PM.

Shortly thereafter we watched a Monk 36' arrive in the same anchorage. We waved to the captain as he passed and 1/2 an hour later he was back in his dinghy for a beer. What a character. I found him quite interesting, meantime Deidre was hiding the silver.

Early to bed, we are raising the anchor at 7 AM tomorrow for a 62 NM offshore run to Tampa Bay.

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