Saturday, January 5, 2013


Friday January 4, 2013
28 37.452 N
80 48.243 W

Friday morning in Daytona was a continuation of Thursday night - cool, wet and windy. I got up a few times during the night to check the anchor but Tide Hiker held her ground nicely, despite the exposed anchorage. The wind seemed stronger than advertised. (I would like my own anometer one day).

Sometimes you just need a place to stand
We were underway by about 10 AM. We were not in a hurry as our target today was the mooring field at Titusville which was only 41 NM away. The weather stayed the same so we set up in the Pilot House all day. The wind was still 10-15 kts but on our tail so it had no effect on our comfort.

We arrived at Titusville at about 4PM and did a good job connecting to our ball. The wind picked up as the sun set so we decided to stay put for the night - there is a nice restaurant under the bridge that we had dinghy-ed to last visit. The boat was bouncing around when we went to bed. We had "double roped" the mooring ball but just for my piece of mind I also set the anchor alarm. The way we were facing we wopuld blow right onto a rock wall if something let go.But nothing did and we both slept well.

Its saturday morning now and the sun is out. First time for a couple of days. We are waiting for the pump out boat and we will get underway.

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