Saturday, January 5, 2013


Saturday January 5, 2013
28 21.468 N
80 43.531 W

The honey boat arrives - late
The pump out boat did not arrive until almost Noon. We had planned to cruise south 42 NM and anchor in the Banana River but now it was too late to make it there. So we decided to just cruise 15 miles or so to Cocoa and check out the marina and the town. The place had been recommended by several people.

We were underway soon after Noon and the sun came out. We ran the boat from the bridge and it was just like "the old days". It was a pleasant and short run, and we were all tied up in our new slip soon after 3:00 PM. Barely got the engine war.

Its been a while since we have had 50 amp service, so we have everything going! It turned out to be more expensive then we expected. Deidre has stripped our bed and has the linen in the washing machine. I have every charger turned on.

With the boat humming we walked into town. As promised it was a cute and touristy place and we picked out a Thai restaurant for dinner. Back to the boat to reload the washer and clean up for dinner out. While we were walking to the restaurant I received a call from a boater in the marina - it was movie night at the marina and we were invited for an 8 o'clock showing of "Silver Lining".

Dinner was great, the movie was OK and we were back in bed by 11PM. Tomorrow we were headed for Vero Beach, a 7 hour run.

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