Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Brunswick, GA

April 24, 2013
31 08.532 N
81 29.777W

It was a perfect morning and we were under way by 7:15AM. We had a big day planned. The tide was against us for the last few miles up the ICW and the 3 or 4 miles out the St. Johns River entrance. But it lost its grip when we turned North in the Atlantic and good old Tide Hiker accelerated up to an eye watering 7 kts. It felt good to be in the saddle again.

The weather was perfect and we made it to the Brunswick entrance without incident. Travelling offshore in weather like this is very efficient and relaxing, although there is not much to see. From a time and cost perspective I estimate that it is twice as effective as the ICW.

The main reason we had chosen Brunswick as our objective for the day was to buy fuel. The fuel depot there "Ocean Petroleum" has the low price reputation on the East Coast. We purchased 625 gallons of diesel and so a 50 cent advantage is quite telling. We arrived late in the day and loading the fuel took an hour or so, and we were obviously the last customer, so we asked if we could stay the night at the dock. They charged us $30 which is still a good deal, although its not the most attractive part of the world.

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