Sunday, April 21, 2013

Palm Coast (April 18 - April 21)

Sunday April 21, 2013
We were planning to leave on Saturday morning but the weather has been quite nasty and so have delayed our departure until Monday April 22. We have been car-less since taking the rental back Friday afternoon, so its been rather quiet.

This morning we wrote our bikes "into town" and enjoyed breakfast at Dennys. This afternoon I finished up the April edition of the DeFever newsletter and sent it off for approval. Plus the holding tank was getting a bit full so I fired up the Electro Scan and "low and behold" - it sorta ran! We are quite excited about that. We have the widow lady who owns the dock coming for dinner - sweet and sour chicken.

We hope to get out of here at high tide in the AM - about 8:30 AM. Quite a civilized time.

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