Thursday, December 5, 2013

Anthem, AZ

Dec 4, 2013

Safe and sound at the house in Anthem. The trip was uneventful except for the "lady" that sat in the middle seat between me (window) and Deidre (Aisle). She was suffering from a bad dose of the black plague, or maybe tuberculosis or just pneumonia, but if Deidre and I survive this trip without getting what she had I will report it to the Pope and ask for declaration of a consecrated miracle.

Fortunately, the house was just as we left it - a 13 month time capsule. The electricity was on but water and gas were off. I have a bunch of 5 gallon buckets that I fill at the neighbor's tap and flush all the toilets. The water and gas people come Thursday (hopefully in the AM)

After the boat this little house feels enormous, and the giant King sized bed looks very inviting,

December 5, 2013

The water and gas were on by 8:40 AM and I was showered and at the doctors by 9:30 AM (Blood) followed by the Eye Doctor (Eyes) by 11:15 AM and then back to Anthem to get Deidre and back to Dr. Dicks (Teeth) by 2:50 PM. Popped in on Bill & Tony's on the way home. Anthem is "a bit out of town" so it was a 150 mile day. Quiet evening.

Friday December 6, 2013

Deidre left at 9 AM and was at Mayo Clinic all day. I got a hair cut. Dinner with Dick and Marcia.

Saturday December 7, 2013

Lunch at Dicks with Nick and Lyn (who are visiting from Boston) and we managed to drink 3 bottles of champagne. Quick drive back to Anthem to shower and dress up for the GlobeNet Christmas party.

Sunday December 8, 2013

Easy morning - Sunday paper and coffee. Really nice Lunch at Kerry and Julian's (expatriate Aussies) Stopped at Cosco and ordered my new glasses, then back home for a quiet evening.

Monday December 9, 2013

Deidre was off early today for her physical, Pap test, mammogram, new shoes, and renewed drivers license - not bad! I stayed home and had lunch with Bill.Tomorrow is "my day". The TV has no service and we have  no CDs except the Collingwood-St Kilda Grand Final - the one that we won!

Tuesday December 10, 2013

My doctor day today - skin guy at 9 AM (all clear) followed by prostate guy at 10:30 AM who cancelled (must have had a sore finger) so I had to kill time till the GP at 3 PM (all clear). Deidre stayed home and hosted the termite treatment crew. 

Wednesday December 11, 2013

Deidre at the eye doctor in the morning followed by a bit of shopping at the local "outlet mall". I bought 5 nice quality pieces of clothing for less than $50. Dick visited for dinner at our place.

Thursday December 12, 2013

Deidre at the GP's first thing followed by a visit to the license place. Back to Anthem to hand over the car to me to drive back into town for my delayed prostate doctor at 3 PM. Then out will Bill and Cleveland friends for a few beers and pizza.  

Friday December 13, 2013

Met with Rick Keyt our attorney at 10 AM wrap up wills and trusts. Followed immediately by lunch with Steve Lance our insurance.& annuities guy. Quick bit of Xmas shopping and back then back to Rick for the signing. (Strikes me that Friday 13 was a bad day for that, but Rick assured me that "Superstitions only bring bad luck!") Then I stooged while Deidre met up with her teacher friends for a Friday night drink. Back to Anthem for Chinese.

Saturday December 14, 2013

Pretty much a free day. Deidre's old school Xmas party that night. Packed. 

Sunday December 15, 2013

Euclid Partners meetings in Las Vegas this week. Bill picked me up at about 9 AM and we caught a flight to LV and checked in at "Paris" by 11 AM. Our partners Don and Marietta arrived in time for lunch and we debated our issues for a couple of hours. Debate continued over a very expensive and very ordinary dinner that night. 

Monday December 16, 2013

EP meetings at breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between the partners gambled and I walked around looking at the LV sights. It is an amazing and crazy place. Another expensive and ordinary dinner.

Tuesday December 17, 2013

I was up at 4 AM to catch my flight back to Phoenix. Deidre met me at Phoenix airport and we continued on to Charleston. Safe and sound on Tide Hiker by 9 PM 

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