Monday, January 27, 2014

Fernandina Beach, Florida!

January 27, 2014
30 40.239 N
81 28 136 W

Its amazing what you can get done if you get your ass out of bed at a decent time. We were up and under way by 8AM. The anchor came up clean as a whistle. Looked like a warm sunny day. We had a bit of a bad start with the tides but after lunch enjoyed a 1.5 kt push most of the way. As the miles passed under the keel we started extending our target until we decided we could make Fernandina Beach in Florida. We are now tied to a mooring ball in FB

Part of the "push" is that there is another giant cold front approaching from Canada. (These Canadians have a lot to answer for!) and it is expected to arrive around here tomorrow. At the moment the weather is quite balmy for a change, but all that is expected to change some time tomorrow. We need to go "outside" for the next leg and so if the morning forecast gives us 1/2 a day of decent weather we will head out and get into "Florida proper" If not, we will probable be here for a couple of days.

The fort
We have been here a couple of times now. It is quite an industrial little town, but has a quaint and well maintained downtown.
One of the paper mills


I am not sure about these things

Did I mention it was calm?

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