Friday, January 31, 2014


January 31st, 2014
28 12.702 N
80 38.765 W

Another gray and wet morning. According to the weather station, the cloud base is at 200' and visibility about 1/2 mile. So much for sunny Florida. We were under way soon after 9AM

Before we started engines this AM I did the usual engine room checks plus the strainers (where the cooling sea water enters the engines). To do so you shut the sea cocks. I am an absent minded idiot and forgot to reopen one of them and so 5 minutes underway we overheated and engine.  Not a good start.

As bright as it got
The day stayed gray and wet but calm. We made steady time as there was no tide - pro or con. The temperature managed to climb into the 60s. I celebrated a dryish hour by sweeping the water (and dirt) off the decks but moments later it was raining again. According to the weather report the temp and the dew point were about the same so the moisture was just running down the sides of the boat.

We arrived at the anchorage about 5 PM and made a very professional arrival.

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