Thursday, October 8, 2015

Cape Look Out - Anchorage

Wednesday October 7, 2015

Beautiful sunny morning. The bridge did not open till 8:30 AM so we enjoyed a bit of a sleep-in. If the weather held we planned to go all the way to the Cape Lookout anchorage, one of our favorites. Our concerns about debris in the water proved to be exaggerated. We saw a few tree trunks in Adam’s Creek but otherwise the 49 NM were uneventful. The only problem with this anchorage is that we have no internet reception and so I am typing this in Word and I will paste it into the blog at a later date.

This is one of my all time favorite anchorages. It is big enough for 100 boats, but tonight we have it to ourselves.It feels totally isolated. We have seen green turtles and lots of porpoises in here. Plus there is an active lighthouse on the cape.

Tomorrow we plan to run 72 NM in the Atlantic in a straight line from the anchorage to the Wrightsville Beach entrance. The forecast looks good (or it did when we saw it last.)

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