Thursday, October 8, 2015

Wrightsville Beach Anchorage

Thursday October 8, 2015

We were up and underway at dawn. The days are less than 12 hours now and we needed 10+ for today's 72 NM run. The weather looked good, not much wave action, just long low swells.

The Navy provided some entertainment along the way. Midway thru the day we spotted a large amphibious assault vessel offshore the Camp Lejeune marine training base. We could see a large "3" on the ship so looked it up on Google.

A few miles away the ship radioed us and told us to keep 2 miles off. We managed to keep a mile and a bit off. The ship is like an aircraft carrier and its deck was covered with Harrier VTOL jets, Osprey VTOL and helicopters. They recovered one of those hovercraft while Ospreys shuttled to and from the shore. Good entertainment.

USS Kearsarge.

Hovercraft on the way

Havercraft loads into the stern door of the mother ship. Cool!

We arrived Wrightsville Beach right on schedule and had the anchor down by 5 PM. This is a good spot, and the weather remained calm. Then receved a phone call that Kylie had been involved in a car accident and taken to hospital. We were pretty spooked, but Ryan called a couple of hours later with the news that she was OK and would be discharged.

Nevertheless we have decided to head direct for Charleston in the AM. It will be an overnight trip, we will plan to arrive at the Charleston light at dawn and be at the IOP Marina by 9 AM.

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