Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Durham, NC

Tuesday and Wednesday, December 29 and 30, 2015

Our plans for 2016 will be based upon what happens with Deidre's ankle. Before we left for Australia she visited a surgeon in Charleston and said her choice was "fusing" or "replacement". He projected that a replacement would only last about 5 years, and Deidre thought he needed to wash his hair. So we have been working on second, third and forth opinions.

Our Charleston GP recommended we visit the ankle specialists at Duke University in NC. We were able to get an appointment for today so drove to Durham yesterday and fronted up today. Deidre was a lot more comfortable with the guy and we scheduled replacement surgery for March 18th! I think we are about 75% sure of this decision. And now we have a date to build our year around.

The drive back was hampered by teeming rain. I will be interested to read what the totals were for the region. The round trip was 650 miles.The car got 43 MPG - amazing! We bought gas for $1.80 a gallon.

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