Thursday, December 24, 2015

Kahanah, Maui

Friday December 11, 2015 thru Friday December 18, 2015

Our Korean kids had rented a house right on the beach in Kahanah, Maui. We were staying a week then Jennifer's parents and brother were taking our place for another week. David stayed 10 days before flying back to work in Korea.

View from our balcony

"Our" beach



Most of the gang

On Monday we made the "drive to Hana. This was a full days drive around the easterly coast, where the island faced the trade winds.

Walking in the rain forest

At the easterly tip. It is very volcanic.

Very rugged coastline

The road got a little rugged too

Lots of waterfalls

On our last day Deidre, David and I drove up Mt Haleakala on the eastern part of the island. It is a dormant volcano with a peak 10,000' about sea level. Fortunately we had been warned about how cold it was at the summit. David took me for a walk down into the crater and I thought I was going to die on the way back.

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