Friday, May 6, 2016

Six Week Visit

Monday May 2, 2016

Bright and early Monday we headed off to Durham for our 2PM appointment. Deidre's ankle was x-rayed before the doctor arrived. He seemed to be happy with the healing and instructed Deidre to stand up, throw away her crutches, and walk. Which she did to both our amazement! The doctor then declared her cured and was ready to leave, but then Deidre complained about her sore toe, on the same foot.

Turns out she has a bone spur plus arthritis in her toe joint and it was hurting. The doctor said he could have fixed that too in the same operation if he had been aware. Instead Deidre received a steroid injection into the toe, and that hurt a lot.

We were on our way home by 3:30PM and arrived 5 hours later. 'Round trip of 588 miles.


Deidre is now walking for short distances around the house, most times with the help of a walker but sometimes "freestyle"! Thursday we had lunch out and I was able to drop her off with her walker outside the restaurant and she made her own way to our table. Great progress.

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