Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A few days up the Wando

Wednesday July 20 2016
32 52 057 N
79 52 216 W

We have been feeling a bit "dock-bound" lately so decided to take a short cruise. Things in boats tend to break if you do not use them and it has been over 6 months since we returned from Canada. So we "broke free" and headed a few miles up the Wando.

The Wando river is one of the three rivers that converge and make Charleston Harbor - the other two are the Ashley and the Cooper. The Wando and the Ashley are mostly tidal, but the Cooper reaches many miles inland. There are a few marked anchorages in deep creeks off the Wando, but we opted to anchor in the open so we could enjoy what breeze there was.

My goodness it was hot. There was some breeze, but it was hot too. But the solar panels did well - at one point we were collecting 48 amps!

Thursday afternoon some huge thunderstorms converged on Charleston. We were delighted when the sky clouded over. We were in 12' of water and I had 175' of chain out (with the snubber) so I was not really worried about dragging. The wind around the storms got up to about 30 mph in gusts. Water spouts were reported in the area on the radio. We were watching the storm cells on the radar and they all missed us - left and right. We did not see a drop of rain.

Only one piece of equipment failed - the bloody macerator - again.

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