Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Lazy Days

Not much going on here. Days are oppressively hot and humid so we tend to hide in the air conditioning on the boat.

Ryan has quit his job and is starting his own Video and Audio business. Over the last 6 months he has been quite successful picking up a few projects and feels he can make a go of it. I am helping him any way I can - setting up an LLC, setting up a bookkeeping system, arranging banking etc etc. He has a small backlog of orders and we are keeping our fingers crossed.

We get to babysit Mason occasionally. Last Saturday both Kylie and Ryan were working so  we  reported for duty about 9 AM. I spent the morning converting Mason's tree house to a pirate ship as well as making a few repairs. After lunch we headed to the hotel pool. Ryan picked him up at about 6 PM. Deidre and I went out to dinner and came home to bed!

Deidre is still visiting the therapist twice a week. Progress is slow, but the surgeon said it would take 1 to 2 years for the swelling to recede. But one great benefit is that her tossing and turning at night seems to be cured, and now she sleeps right thru the night.

I am keeping up my steps - averaging 17K + for July. This time in a month we will be starting our walk in the UK. Deidre and I both leave and arrive back in the USA on the same day - she to South Korea and me to the UK via Ireland.

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