Friday, July 7, 2017

Back in the Ashapoo River

July 7, 2017
32 32 427 N
80 27 114 W

Three cruising boats came "home" to the IOP yesterday, initiating the end of Tide Hiker's stay. We were fortunate to be able to stay another night and leave in the AM. A bunch of people came over for a farewell drink Thursday night. Tide Hiker backed out of her slip at about 9:30 AM this morning.

Another stinking hot day. By about 11 AM we were both rather overcome and so fired up a generator and retreated into the air conditioned Pilot House. Received a call from people interested in Tide Hiker and arranged to take a slip in Beaufort on Saturday so they can have a look.

Lots of thunder storms all around but we seemed to slip between them until it came time to anchor in the Ashapoo. The rain was welcome but the lightening was a bit intense. Only lasted 1/2 an hour or so but soon the sun was shining on the marsh around us. Only about 22 NM to Beaufort from here, so we should get in early enough to give Tide Hiker a bit of a wash before our guests arrive.

Ran the big gen and the a/c all night.

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