Sunday, July 9, 2017

May River Anchorage

Sunday July 9, 2017
32 11 982 N
80 48 712 W

As Sunday tradition requires, we wandered into "town" for Sunday breakfast at the "Hoddle House". We "hoddled" out an hour later with $15 of breakfast in our happy tummies. Such a deal.

Not in a hurry, we did not drop lines until about 11:30 AM and caught the outgoing tide all the way down the Beaufort River, reaching the astonishing speed of just under 9 knots opposite Paris Island, the marine base. By 3 PM we had dropped anchor in the may River, just across from Hilton Head Island. We are now only about 10 miles from "Shelter Cove". Apparently the approach is a bit shallow, so we will go in at 10 AM tomorrow at the peek of the morning high tide.

Our anchorage reminds me of one of the reasons we have so enjoyed this lifestyle. The east coast of the USA is heavily populated, and we are maybe 5 miles from a resort island, but we feel like we could be in the Amazon - not a person or a building in sight. (And yet the internet connection is great and we found over 40 TV channels! So much for the Amazon.)

Today's view from my window
 Its a few degrees cooler today and there is a decent breeze, so no a/c. And we have the two big fans running, so its quite pleasant.

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