Saturday, May 25, 2013

Last Week at IOP

I am starting a new page because the technology of the last page is acting up and has become too frustrating.

Saturday May 25, 2013

Today we took Ryan's Mum and Dad, Kylie, Ryan and mason on a day cruise. We went about 10 miles North up the ICW and then down a creek towards the Atlantic, where we anchored and had lunch. It was a nice day but a bit cool and a bit breezy. Everyone seemed to have a good time, especially Mason who slept, pooped and was fed. I think he will make a good sailor.

Gene at the wheel

Mason taking a break in the clothes basket

The girls taking a break on the boat deck

Sunday May 26, 2013

This morning I took the dinghy for a run just to clear its throat before storing it back on deck. After 10 minutes or so the motor started a hell of a racket that really sounded bad. I throttled back and into neutral but the noise persisted. I was a couple of miles from the boat so too far to row and thus I just had to run daudle back at idle speed.

That afternoon we were invited to a Memorial day party at the taylors so I twisted Ryan's arm and we recovered the dinghy and took it with us to the Taylors. Its great to have a mechanic in the family.

The party was fun - reminds me of Blackman Sunday diners in the old days,with lots of family and the kids running around, minus the water pistols. The party was at Uncle Bill's - this guy has more toys than any one.

Monday May 27, 2013

Gene called me with the good news that the outboard was fine,  the noise was caused by the zinc getting loose and hitting the prop. It was a new zinc, I had installed it finger tight, and forgotten to put a wrench on it before running. Oh well.

Another coat of varnish

Dinner Tuesday night at mark and Donna's. Always a good feed.

Tuesday May 28, 2013

Spent most of the day in the lazarette looking for a spare macerater for the head. Another coat of varnish. Now up to eight. Relaunched the dinghy.

Tuesday evening drinks and dinner on Bellaire. We decided to throw a casual "bon voyage" party on Friday evening for the people on the dock and friends.

Wednesday May 29, 2013

Kylie and Mason came over for pancake breakfast.
I borrowed her car and did some shopping.
The boys completed waxing and polishing Tide Hiker, and she looks great.
Lazeratte is done.
I have lots of EP work to do this afternoon

Dinner at Chris and Allison's tonight.

Thursday May 30, 2013

The crew waxing and polishing

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