Saturday, June 1, 2013

On the move again!

Wynyah Bay (Near Georgetown, SC)
33 15.504 N
79 14.988 W

Leaving IOP
Low tide was at 9:00 AM and the low was below mean low tide, so we decided to delay our departure until 10:00 AM. We did not have a long run planned so the decision created no stress. Ky and Ryan visited at about 9:45 AM to see us off and shed a few tears. We pulled out right at 10:00 AM and enjoyed some nice farewells from other boats at the marina. We were pleased to be on our way, but obviously quite sad to leave Ky and Ryan and little Mason!

We are now anchored in Wynyah Bay, about 5 miles from the Atlantic. The weather is great with 10 MPH wind from the south. If the wind comes up during the night we are sheltered by Cat Island. The current in and out of here is pretty strong (up to 2.6 kts) so that is more to think about than the wind. We plan to catch the tide in the AM and make a straight line to the Cape Fear River entrance, about 80 miles away. We will be up early.

Nordhavn 46
The trip was pretty uneventful. We enjoyed tidal current for 75% of the time so our speed was pretty good. We caught up with a Nordhavn 46' and had a bit of a chat but they did not want to go outside with us. There are a lot of horse flies in this area so after a while we retreated into the pilot house.

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