Thursday, June 27, 2013

West River

Thursday June 27, 2013
37 59.772 N
76 32.494 W

Very weak internet signal here.
We pulled away from Olverson's at 7:40 AM. The weather forecast was a bit  confusing - "Small Craft Advisory" all day but only 15kt winds from the south with maybe gusts to 20 kts. The wind would be on our stern so we decided to get rolling. We could always bail out at the Solomon's if it got bad.

Power boat making a hard go of it
The morning was perfect - sunny, gentle 10 kts from the south. We made good time, we had the tide for a couple of hours. The wind came up in the early afternoon and apposed the tide, the sky and water went grey. We retreated to the pilot house early afternoon as rain threatened, but not much came of it. There were thunder storms all around but basically missing us. As the tidal current turned the water laid down and conditions were OK, just "dreary".

We had a long day planned - about 10 hours and 70 miles. As we reached the entrance to Rhode River a special bulletin came over the radio - "severe Thunderstorms and Tornado warnings". That got our attention! We scurried into the anchorage and dropped anchor - making darn sure it was set with both engines in reverse at 1,000 RPM. We are well protected from about 300 degrees. The warnings expire at 10 PM, so 4 hours to go. Calm as a millpond right now.

The good news is that the TV picked up 60 channels including PBS and we will enjoy two episodes of Inspector Morse tonight. Deidre has been cooking pork chops in the crock pot all day, so I am puckered up for dinner.

Tomorrow (Friday) is another long day, we want to maker it to the C&D Canal. Then down the Delaware Saturday to Cape May and then we are only two days from new York.

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