Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cleveland, Chicago, Cleveland, Elwood City

The next 8 days we will be driving around the country visiting family and friends and attending a wedding in Chicago. Tide Hiker is sitting securely at Olverson's Marina.

Tuesday June 18, 2013

Easy drive to Cleveland. The weather stayed fine and the rental car ran well. We left just after eight and picked up Ruby and Indy at their Aunt's house in Solon right on time. Took the kids to dinner and back to their house and parents in Cleveland Heights.

Wednesday June 19, 2013

We had the kids for the day. Just for fun we rode "The Rapid" downtown and had lunch in the mall under Terminal Tower. We walked down to the Science Museum on the lakefront and amused ourselves there for a few hours, then back to Cleveland Heights on "The Rapid".

For dinner the 5 of us went to a local festival at Wade Oval in the museum district. (Adam is in Las Vegas for work)  There were bands and stalls and lots of people picnicing. Quite good fun.

Thursday June 20, 2013

After a bit of last minute wedding shopping we took the kids to a "Wet and Wild" water park. It was a perfect day in the 80s and we all had a blast, even Grandma. That evening we enjoyed dinner at the Simkoff's (Kathy's Mum and Dad).

Friday June 21, 2013

Bit of a late start for our drive to Chicago. We arrived right in the middle of rush hour in a rain storm. We are just not used to traffic any more. It was a bit stressful but we eventually arrived only 1/2 hour late for dinner with our Oval friends, followed by the wedding "warm up party"

From Auntie Margaret
Received this photo from Kylie today - hand embroidered plaque from Auntie Margaret. Special!

Ruby & Indy at the baseball Friday night

Saturday June 22, 2013

Slept in till 9:30 AM followed by a lazy breakfast. I "worked" on the June edition of the DeFever email newsletter for the rest of the day, Deidre took the car and went shopping.

We cleaned up and headed for the wedding at about 5PM. The wedding was great fun, most of our old Solon friends were there, plus/minus a few new/old wives.

Nick, Darrel, Dick and me

Sunday June 23, 2013

"Adam's Building"
We were on the road by about 9 AM and met our Euclid Partners' partners for breakfast in Indiana. Back on the road by 11AM and after an uneventful drive arrived at Adams about 5:30 PM. Adam took us down town to show us some of his projects then back out to the 'burbs for dinner.

Monday June 24, 2013

Bill at the pool
On the road by 9:00 AM and arrived in Ellwood City in time for lunch with Bill and Tonni. Spent the rest of the afternoon sitting around the pool at the hotal followed up by dinner at a "The Log Cabin".

Tuesday June 25, 2013

Mason is learning to dribble and smile
Easy drive to the boat. Traffic around DC was a bit of a drag but we were on the boat by 5:00 PM and unpacked by 6:00 PM. Its now an hour or so later and the a/c has finally got the boat down to a reasonable temp. Looking forward to my own bed tonight.

Wednesday June 26, 2013

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