Sunday, June 2, 2013

South Port on the Cape Fear River

Sunday June 2nd, 2013
33 55.831 N
77 59.800 W

Big day today, 81 miles. We were up at 5:30  AM and underway by 6:05 AM. The forecast had deteriorated a bit overnight but is still seemed OK - winds 10/15 with gusts up to 20, waves 3' to 4' - so we headed out the entrance. We had a strong tide current and hit 9 knots on the way out.

Our evening at anchor had been fine. The anchor took hold first try and never moved..The anchorage was protected from the wind, but the interesting issue was the current that could run up to 2 1/2 knots, and reversed every 6 hours or so. Shortly after anchoring I could hear the props spinning in the current. Apparently, spinning like that is not good for the transmission so I spent 5 minutes in the ER and was able to jam both shafts with a couple of screwdrivers. (I left a lot of notes for the morning to take them out!). We were joined by a yacht later in the evening.

This was our first night on anchor for some time and it was really pleasant and we slept like logs. In Charleston I had "installed" 4 cheap solar lights on the boat deck. They only cost a few bucks each but are perfect for lighting the boat at anchor. They soak up the sun's rays all day and glow all night, all for about $5 each at Walmart. (We do have an anchor light but you can never have too many lights at night!)

The yacht pulled out about 30 minutes ahead of us. After we cleared the last light I called them on the radio and we had a chat. About this time Deidre got sick. The sea was not that rough but it was on our stern quarter and definitely "awkward". I felt so bad for her. She could not get comfortable.

We arrived at the Cape Fear light right on time at 4;00 PM and we were tied up in the marina by 5 PM. We were 'expected" to weave in and out and then back Tide Hiker into the slip in pretty tight quarters.

Nice parking job

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