Friday, June 14, 2013

Hampton (Still)

Thursday June 13 

Relaxing day. Deidre went ashore and had her hair cut and her nails done. The last time she had her hair cut was in Australia and it cost $100 - yesterday it was $15 plus a tip and she was happy with the result. She came home bearing gifts - two meat pies and two pasties from the local "British Shop". Yummy!

I spent the time she was away prepping the boat for "the big blow" with expected storm winds up to 70 MPH. Had 8 lines to the dock and stripped of loose stuff that might blow away. Spent some hours researching our Canada trip.

The storm arrived right on time about 6PM and was over by about 6:05PM without much to show. We must have just been in a "gap" because cities around us were hit harder, and there were the usual reports of power lines down and flash flooding on the TV. But for us, virtually nothing but a bit of rain.

After all settled down we wandered over to the Air and Space Museum for an hour or so and then looked for a restaurant for dinner. The town was deserted. None of the restaurants were very appealing and some had closed. The meat pies were calling us.........

Friday June 14

We have decided to stay another night. There is a "Small Craft Advisory" on the Bay till 4 PM and the bouys are showing 20 Kt winds with gusts to 30 kts. The weather would be right on our nose, so there would be a lot of upping and downing. But we had to move to a "back into" slip which was a bit of a struggle.

After settling down we borrowed the marina bikes and explored the local university and the adjacent war cemetery. On the way back we ran into the people from a trawler anchored in the basin (you can see it in the photo below) and invited them over for a drink at 4:30.

Its Fion'a's birthday next week

Our new slip - its about 1/3 the length of the boat

Very sobering but well cared for

We eat so well

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