Monday, June 10, 2013

Coinjock marina

Monday June 10, 2013
36 21.102 N
75 56.856 W

The wind settled down overnight and eventually we got a good night's sleep. It was calm when we dragged ourselves out of bed in the AM but the sky looked quite threatening. The forecast indicated 90% chance of rain, which sorta summed it up.

Albemarle Sound seems to be a bit of an awkward location on the trip north -  Norfolk is too far away for one day and too close for two, and there are not a lot of decent anchorages in between. Therefore, especially since the weather is a bit crappy, we have decided to go only 30 miles to an inexpensive marina at a place called Coinjock. It's a bit in the middle of nowhere, but there is a restaurant that we will ride our bikes to.

"Let's go below"
The trip was uneventful except for thunder storms that rolled thru. We must have missed 90% of the rain from pure luck, but had to scurry down to the pilot house a couple of times. An advantage of being on the water is that you can see the rain coming - if you look.

We are now tied up with the air conditioning blasting away, and planning the bike ride. Its quite stormy outside, maybe we should take our umbrella?

The ride to the restaurant turned out to be a bit harder than expected. It was about 3 1/2 miles each way and involved riding/walking
Back from the bathrooms
over a very busy high clearance bridge. There was no sidewalk and so we walked our bikes in the narrow berm. Obviously we could not make the return trip in the dark so that restricted the time we had to eat. There were a lot of fancy boats on the other side (It was $0.25 a foot more expensive, hence we were on the "wrong side".) Dinner was forgettable. We made it home OK and immediately iced Deidre's ankle.

(PS: This morning I was pleased to see that Collingwood thrashed Melbourne. I hope Townsend was watching)

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