Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sunset Bay (Day 2)

Sunday June 30, 2013
(Still at Sunset Bay)

Wet pirate ship
Its grey and now its raining. There is only one desperate wave runner (thank goodness) but the pirate boat is out on its route. Good sleeping, eating and blogging weather and it will keep all the holidaymakers off the water.

I have just calculated that Tide Hiker averaged 1.886 gallons per nautical mile since our last fill up. That includes generator use. (For you dirt dwellers, that equals 2.17 statute miles per gallon.) I am pretty chuffed with that result.

We have now made contact with two trawlers heading north up the ICW and I have two phone numbers to call tonight to see how they manage. This section of the ICW is regarded as impassable for boats our size, which is why we are waiting here for decent weather to go outside. Hurricane sandy did more damage and created more shoaling.

Not a wasted day. I have re-installed the wifi aerial (recently returned from the manufacturer) and it is working. I have investigated a small leak in the lazarette and it seems resolved. I have studied the tide for tomorrow and we have a plan to try the ICW to Atlantic City. The weather is getting worse rather than better. It's no big deal because the Erie Canal is closed, damaged by weather. I am starting to think "global warming" has arrived!

We have a plan to leave tomorrow and take the ICW rather than go outside. The NJ ICW has a bad reputation for lack of maintenance and shoaling. Sandy made it worse. So we plan to leave on a rising tide at about Noon and make it to Atlantic City by 7 PM.

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