Sunday, June 9, 2013


Saturday June 8, 2013

We were back in the water at Bock by 9:00 AM. All I had to do was pay the bill and we were on our way.  We were tied to an old dock and Deidre and I reduced the lines down to two as we prepared to leave. I flipped off the bow and ran to the Pilothouse, Deidre flipped off the stern - but it did not flip! We were lose except that the stern line had jammed in a gap in the old lumber dock. There was lots of wind (left over from the day before) and quite a bit of current. This is not a nice situation and it took some scrambling to resolve..

The rest of the day was uneventful. We had wind and tide on our stern all day and averaged about 7.5 kts over 52 miles. We anchored in a very well protected harbor at Belhaven. As soon as we stopped the humidity hit us. At one point I went out the back door and let in a million insects. We attacked them with spray and in the AM we had so many bodies on the floor Deidre had to vacuum.

We were overtaken by a beautiful 54' Selene.


Bayliner just like our old boat

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