Thursday, June 26, 2014

Arizona (June 24- July 2)

The question on my mind as we picked up our rental was whether 107 degrees and 3% humidity in Phoenix was hotter than 89 degrees and 90% humidity in Houston? I now know the answer.

We popped in on the Piping Rock house on the way from the airport. The tenant had moved out, the place looked in decent shape, although needed some TLC. Continued on to COSCO where we bought a TV and a "free to air" antenna for Anthem. Our TVs are too old to receive digital HD broadcasts. All was as expected in Anthem and we settled in - no water or gas, but we had a hose from the place next door. The water and gas will be connected tomorrow.

Tuesday morning at Dr Dick's where I was prepped for another crown (I must remember to add my teeth to the Family Trust) and then on to a meeting at the house with real estate agents to discuss the "lease or sell" decision. Back to the house we kicked into high gear and made deals with a pool guy, a landscaper, arranged to have the carpets and tile floors cleaned, and made our own job list. Dinner with Dick at Flo's.

By Wednesday we have pretty much decided to sell the Scottsdale house. Renting it out from so far away just seems too much, and the house is now about 25 years old and probably reaching a "high maintenance stage". We will offer "Seller Financing" so we can delay capital gains tax and have some income. Its good to have a plan.

Deidre has twisted her neck and is hurting, so we are now including visits to the Chiropractor in our schedule. I am suffering from allergies and sneezing my head off, looking forward to getting back on the boat. Otherwise all is well, and we are making plenty of progress at the house. Dinner at Bill and Tonni's Friday night was great.

Dr Dick fitted my new crown Monday. Dinner at Kerry and Julians (Aussies) last night. The house and yard at 5451 look good. Lets hope it sells fast. The temp got up to 109 degrees today. Deidre is feeling better, I now have 2 cold sores on my lip.

We fly to Cleveland tomorrow.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Woodlands

June 18-June 23, 2014

David and Jen live in a part of greater Houston called "The Woodlands". It is one of those places in the USA where "everything is perfect". The roads are all "parkway style" with the stores and business screened by landscaping (nice, but makes it hard to find McDonalds), all the houses are impressive and perfectly landscaped,  and all the cars are washed and look new.The rest of Houston is not as impressive, and the summer weather is oppressive. It is one of those places that only air conditioning makes livable in the summer. Even so, I brought 7 "sets" of clothing on this trip, and I was thru them in 3 days.

We are visiting for 6 days. The kids are on summer vacation so we have been doing kid things and escaping the heat in the pool. Also, this weekend is Fiona's 5th birthday party, so that will be fun. David and family leave for South Korea in August and expect to live there for three years. They are moving from a 3,700 sq ft house to a 1,700 sq ft apartment in Ulsan, a southern city in the ROK. David works for Exxon and is managing the construction in the ROK of oil facilities being installed on the Russian Island of Sakhalin.

The front

The back

Mum talking to a couple of the mothers

Fiona playing Duck, duck .... Goose

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Isle of Palms, Sunday June 15 (Fathers day)

Last Sunday night we successfully concluded the negotiations on Kylie and Ryan's new house. Monday morning I had a root canal on a tooth that has been bothering me for months. I felt great as I left the office and then experienced a level of "discomfort" that I would more associate with being run over by a truck. After 24 hours and a few pain pills I felt fine.

Tuesday we started the diligence procedures re the house - survey, appraisal, inspection, insurance, lawyer etc. Both Ky and Ryan have demanding jobs so it was good that we were available to get this rolling on their behalf. All is going well so far and we expect the kids will "close" mid July.. Also started to strip and sand the galley floor prior to refinishing. 

Wednesday morning we dropped the Pilothouse carpet at a carpet place. They have a remnant that will work perfectly. We continued on to COSCO where they replaced Deidre's glasses and we spent $100 on nothing. That night we applied the first coat of polyurethane on the Galley floor. 

Thursday, more of the same. The Inspection and Appraisal have been done at the new house, all good. Today is Kylie's day off and they took Mason to the park. Now that Kylie and Ryan's house is all set, we are starting to plan the work needed to get the IOP house ready to rent. Second coat on the Galley floor. Dinner at Ky's. 

Friday we shopped for new door handles for the IOP house and dropped off parts at Westmarine for them to make us a new snubber. Magnus from Swede Deams dropped of fillets from two enormous red fish that he had caught that day. We had them for dinner.

Saturday we headed north for lunch in Georgetown. GT is about 50 north of the IOP and the third oldest city in SC. It is a port and has an interesting history based around plantation rice, lumber and ship building, and is now a bit touristy. We had lunch on the waterfront, visited the maratime museum, and drove thru the residential area of town which is really quite impressive. On the way back we diverted to an early 1700's plantation and discovered the "Kings Highway", now a dirt road but very interesting. Deidre and I are lways happy when we find a dirt road. Came across a church and graveyard established in the early 1700's.

Sunday (Fathers day) Deidre made me a "special parfait" for breakfast. Did a few jobs around the boat then met up with Ky and Ryan and Mason for a Fathers Day picnic lunch at the owners beach house.


Picnic lunch

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Isle of Palms - Sunday June 8, 2014

We are taking it easy but it has been a productive week.

Kylie and Ryan are bidding on a house. There have been several 'rounds" of bidding but we should know the result tonight. The house is in great shape, about 1,600 sq ft, in a good neighborhood. Houses in the $200K to $300K range are in demand and turning over quickly so we needed to be on the ball.

We have decided not to sell our IOP house, mainly for tax reasons, so we will rent it out. Apparently the rental market is pretty hot so we should be able to make a better choice of tenants. This time we plan to use a rental agency.

Have spent plenty of time with Mason. He is such a lovely little kid. He is not crawling (or walking!) yet but scoots around on his bum. I have been a bit lazy with boat projects, but crossed off a few, and stripping the galley floor this afternoon.

Have enjoyed a busy social schedule as we catch up with "old friends" in Charleston. Went with our old neighbors, Mark and Donna, to an Irish music concert on Friday night. Dinner on Swede Dreams on Wednesday night. Breakfast with the Taylors this morning. Dinner with Bahamas friends on Monday.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Isle of Palms (Continued)

Sunday June 1, 2014

We are here for at least three months, and have a hell of a lot to accomplish. Apart from a healthy list of Tide   Hiker projects, we want to sell the Scottsdale and IOP houses and spend some time with David's family in Houston, Adam's family in Cleveland and two weeks with family in Australia.

Tide Hiker Job List
1.       Fix Anchor Light
2.       Replace Anchor snubber - ordered chain lock
3.       Bathroom wall paper
4.       Bilge pump float switch - have the part
5.       Canvas: Back flap, fly bridge
6.       Canvas: Dinghy cover
7.       Canvas: Freezer cover
8.       Canvas: Tear on overhead
9.       Canvas: Tears next to freezer
10.   Canvas: Renew stitching
11.   Clean bottom & zincs
12.   Replace Zincs - ordered
13.   Dinghy winch lube
14.   ER: Big gen oil change
15.   ER: Clean up
16.   ER: Main Engine oil change
17.   Fly Bridge  roof lacing
18.   Fly bridge roof leaks
19.   Recover Marvel oil, filter, add to port-aft tank
20.   New smoke alarms
21.   Toilet – new
22.   Toilet – fix tank monitor
23.   Outside: Varnish rails
24.   Outside: Wash, wax and polish (Brent Wood 843 991 1495)
25.   Refrigerator temperature issue - have the part
26.   Replace mifi wires
27.   Solar panel breaker 
28.   Teak & Holly: Refinish galley
29.   Teak & Holly: Wheelhouse (or carpet?)
30.   New water maker pump