Thursday, June 26, 2014

Arizona (June 24- July 2)

The question on my mind as we picked up our rental was whether 107 degrees and 3% humidity in Phoenix was hotter than 89 degrees and 90% humidity in Houston? I now know the answer.

We popped in on the Piping Rock house on the way from the airport. The tenant had moved out, the place looked in decent shape, although needed some TLC. Continued on to COSCO where we bought a TV and a "free to air" antenna for Anthem. Our TVs are too old to receive digital HD broadcasts. All was as expected in Anthem and we settled in - no water or gas, but we had a hose from the place next door. The water and gas will be connected tomorrow.

Tuesday morning at Dr Dick's where I was prepped for another crown (I must remember to add my teeth to the Family Trust) and then on to a meeting at the house with real estate agents to discuss the "lease or sell" decision. Back to the house we kicked into high gear and made deals with a pool guy, a landscaper, arranged to have the carpets and tile floors cleaned, and made our own job list. Dinner with Dick at Flo's.

By Wednesday we have pretty much decided to sell the Scottsdale house. Renting it out from so far away just seems too much, and the house is now about 25 years old and probably reaching a "high maintenance stage". We will offer "Seller Financing" so we can delay capital gains tax and have some income. Its good to have a plan.

Deidre has twisted her neck and is hurting, so we are now including visits to the Chiropractor in our schedule. I am suffering from allergies and sneezing my head off, looking forward to getting back on the boat. Otherwise all is well, and we are making plenty of progress at the house. Dinner at Bill and Tonni's Friday night was great.

Dr Dick fitted my new crown Monday. Dinner at Kerry and Julians (Aussies) last night. The house and yard at 5451 look good. Lets hope it sells fast. The temp got up to 109 degrees today. Deidre is feeling better, I now have 2 cold sores on my lip.

We fly to Cleveland tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Still love following your blog ! Hope you are doing well. I hear from something Robyn had mentioned that you maybe in Aus sometime this year ?? Graeme
