Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Woodlands

June 18-June 23, 2014

David and Jen live in a part of greater Houston called "The Woodlands". It is one of those places in the USA where "everything is perfect". The roads are all "parkway style" with the stores and business screened by landscaping (nice, but makes it hard to find McDonalds), all the houses are impressive and perfectly landscaped,  and all the cars are washed and look new.The rest of Houston is not as impressive, and the summer weather is oppressive. It is one of those places that only air conditioning makes livable in the summer. Even so, I brought 7 "sets" of clothing on this trip, and I was thru them in 3 days.

We are visiting for 6 days. The kids are on summer vacation so we have been doing kid things and escaping the heat in the pool. Also, this weekend is Fiona's 5th birthday party, so that will be fun. David and family leave for South Korea in August and expect to live there for three years. They are moving from a 3,700 sq ft house to a 1,700 sq ft apartment in Ulsan, a southern city in the ROK. David works for Exxon and is managing the construction in the ROK of oil facilities being installed on the Russian Island of Sakhalin.

The front

The back

Mum talking to a couple of the mothers

Fiona playing Duck, duck .... Goose

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