Saturday, June 14, 2014

Isle of Palms, Sunday June 15 (Fathers day)

Last Sunday night we successfully concluded the negotiations on Kylie and Ryan's new house. Monday morning I had a root canal on a tooth that has been bothering me for months. I felt great as I left the office and then experienced a level of "discomfort" that I would more associate with being run over by a truck. After 24 hours and a few pain pills I felt fine.

Tuesday we started the diligence procedures re the house - survey, appraisal, inspection, insurance, lawyer etc. Both Ky and Ryan have demanding jobs so it was good that we were available to get this rolling on their behalf. All is going well so far and we expect the kids will "close" mid July.. Also started to strip and sand the galley floor prior to refinishing. 

Wednesday morning we dropped the Pilothouse carpet at a carpet place. They have a remnant that will work perfectly. We continued on to COSCO where they replaced Deidre's glasses and we spent $100 on nothing. That night we applied the first coat of polyurethane on the Galley floor. 

Thursday, more of the same. The Inspection and Appraisal have been done at the new house, all good. Today is Kylie's day off and they took Mason to the park. Now that Kylie and Ryan's house is all set, we are starting to plan the work needed to get the IOP house ready to rent. Second coat on the Galley floor. Dinner at Ky's. 

Friday we shopped for new door handles for the IOP house and dropped off parts at Westmarine for them to make us a new snubber. Magnus from Swede Deams dropped of fillets from two enormous red fish that he had caught that day. We had them for dinner.

Saturday we headed north for lunch in Georgetown. GT is about 50 north of the IOP and the third oldest city in SC. It is a port and has an interesting history based around plantation rice, lumber and ship building, and is now a bit touristy. We had lunch on the waterfront, visited the maratime museum, and drove thru the residential area of town which is really quite impressive. On the way back we diverted to an early 1700's plantation and discovered the "Kings Highway", now a dirt road but very interesting. Deidre and I are lways happy when we find a dirt road. Came across a church and graveyard established in the early 1700's.

Sunday (Fathers day) Deidre made me a "special parfait" for breakfast. Did a few jobs around the boat then met up with Ky and Ryan and Mason for a Fathers Day picnic lunch at the owners beach house.


Picnic lunch

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