Sunday, December 14, 2014

At Kylie and Ryans

Thursday December 11, 2014

On our way by 8:30 AM and arrived after dinner at about 7:30 PM. It was a pleasant day and an easy drive. Deidre had made a cut lunch and we stopped by a lake to take a break and eat. The drive was very cost efficient - 540 miles, averaged 42 MPG and gas was only $2.51 a gallon.

Mason was up when we arrived and gave us a great welcome. (Ryan and Kylie were there too.)

Friday December 12, 2014

Both the kids were off to work so we had Mason to ourselves for the day.

Saturday December 13, 2014

Kylie had to work, Ryan was off so we started on the garage project. At the end of the day we had the dry wall installed and all the joins "stage one" grouted.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Breakfast out. Ryan and I went straight to Lowes and picked up the lumber. By 5 PM the shelves were all installed and the work bench framed up. A good weekends work.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

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